A Real-time Electrocolonogram Monitoring and Electrical Stimulation System for Promoting Mass Peristalsis of the Colon
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2019 IEEE. We have developed a real-time electrocolonogram monitoring and stimulation system to promote peristaltic movements of the colon. The system was designed to monitor electrocolonogram and apply appropriate electrical stimulation to the serosal surface of the colon in caudal direction. Stimulation parameters were determined by the stimulation controller in real time based on the measured electrocolonogram. As a proof of concept, animal experiments were performed with one mouse. We successfully monitored electrocolonogram from the colon and generated its peristaltic movement using electrical stimulation applied to the serosal surface of the colon. The results suggest that the presented system can be used to develop a closed-loop monitoring and stimulation system for a timely stimulation of colon, which will effectively promote its peristaltic movement.
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2019 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER)