Cable-in-Conduit Dipoles for the Ion Ring of JLEIC
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2002-2011 IEEE. The electron-ion collider JLEIC requires 3-T arc dipoles with large aperture and homogeneous field suitable for long beam life for all field levels from injection to maximum collision energy. A superferric dipole has been designed using a novel NbTi cable-in-conduit (CIC) conductor and a flux plate to suppress persistent-current multipoles. Fabrication and tests of the 13-kA CIC conductor are presented. A 1.2-m model dipole is under construction, with completion expected in early 2019. Details of the coil technology and magnet fabrication will be presented. A closely similar 6-T dipole has been designed, capable of doubling the ion energy for JLEIC. It utilizes a 2-layer 23 kA CIC cable using the same wire as the single-layer CIC. Fabrication and cable technology for the 2-layer CIC are presented.