selected publications academic article Hong, Y., Fang, X., Li, X., Liu, Y., Li, M., & Tai-Seale, T. (2010). Self-perceived stigma, depressive symptoms, and suicidal behaviors among female sex workers in China. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 21(1), 29-34. 61 61 Total citations 6 Recent citations 10 Field Citation Ratio 2 Relative Citation Ratio Tai-Seale, T., Tai-Seale, M., & Zhang, W. (2008). Weight counseling for elderly patients in primary care: how often and how much time. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. 30(4), 420-440. Tai-Seale, T., Tai-Seale, M., & Zhang, W. (2008). Weight counseling for elderly patients in primary care: how often and how much time. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. 30(4), 420-440. Ory, M. G., Yuma, P. J., Hurwicz, M., Jarvis, C., Barron, K. L., Tai-Seale, T., ... Cook, M. A. (2006). Prevalence and correlates of doctor-geriatric patient lifestyle discussions: analysis of ADEPT videotapes. Preventive Medicine. 43(6), 494-497. 19 19 Total citations 1 Recent citation 2.92 Field Citation Ratio 0.5 Relative Citation Ratio Tai-Seale, M., Bramson, R., Drukker, D., Hurwicz, M., Ory, M., Tai-Seale, T., Street, R., & Cook, M. A. (2005). Understanding primary care physicians' propensity to assess elderly patients for depression using interaction and survey data. Medical Care. 43(12), 1217-1224. 57 57 Total citations 3 Recent citations 9.4 Field Citation Ratio 1.64 Relative Citation Ratio Tai-Seale, T. (2003). Stage of change specific triggers and barriers to moderate physical activity. American Journal of Health Behavior. 27(3), 219-227. 11 11 Total citations 0 Recent citations 1.53 Field Citation Ratio 0.2 Relative Citation Ratio Tai-Seale, T. (2001). Assessing the Fit between Health Needs and Services: A Case Study of Gaps and Mismatches and How to Fix Them. American Journal of Health Education. 32(2), 109-111. Tai-Seale, T. (2001). Liberating Service Learning and Applying the New Practice. College Teaching. 49(1), 14-18. 17 17 Total citations 1 Recent citation 4.43 Field Citation Ratio n/a Relative Citation Ratio Tai-Seale, T. (2001). Teaching Health Research and Communication Design through Service-Learning. American Journal of Health Education. 32(1), 58-63. Tai-Seale, T., & Thompson, S. B. (2000). Assigned Conversations. College Teaching. 48(1), 15-18. 2 2 Total citations 0 Recent citations 0.51 Field Citation Ratio n/a Relative Citation Ratio Tai-Seale, T. (2000). Service-Learning: Historical Roots, Present Forms, and Educational Potential for Training Health Educators. American Journal of Health Education. 31(5), 256-263. 8 8 Total citations 0 Recent citations 1.57 Field Citation Ratio n/a Relative Citation Ratio Breslow, L., & Tai-Seale, T. (1996). An experience with health promotion in the inner city. American Journal of Health Promotion. 10(3), 185-188. 4 4 Total citations 0 Recent citations n/a Field Citation Ratio 0.18 Relative Citation Ratio
teaching activities HPCH603 Soc Behav Determnts Of Hlth Instructor HPCH607 Bio Basis Of Hlth & Com Dis Instructor HPCH640 Diet & Life Int Ob, Diab, & Cd Instructor HPCH641 Coaching Hlth Behavior Change Instructor HPCH685 Directed Study Instructor HPCH686 Directed Research Instructor HPCH791 Doctoral Capstone Instructor SOPH680 Public Health Capstone Instructor
education and training Dr.P.H. in Community Health, University of California Los Angeles - (Los Angeles, California, United States) 1993 M.M.Sc. in Pathology, Emory University School of Medicine - (Atlanta, Georgia, United States) 1988 M.P.H. in Health Education, Emory University School of Medicine - (Atlanta, Georgia, United States) 1988 M.A. in Science Education, University of Georgia - (Athens, Georgia, United States) 1980 B.S. in Psychology, Georgia State University - (Atlanta, Georgia, United States) 1977
mailing address Texas A&M Health Science Center Health Promotion & Community Health Sciences 1266 TAMUS College Station, TX 77843-1266 USA