Process Standardization across Intra- and Inter-Cultural Relationships uri icon


  • Theory suggests that culture may hinder the ability to effectively standardize the process of relationship development strategies across intra- and inter-cultural relationships. Construct relationships between trust, commitment, conflict and satisfaction in manufacturer-distributor relationships are examined intra- (i.e., within a single cultural type) and inter-culturally (i.e. between different cultural types) with a sample of distributors from Canada, Chile, Mexico and the United States. Results support theoretical differences in the consequences of the trust-commitment relationship between intra-cultural and inter-cultural relationships. The results suggest process standardization based upon cultural type. 2000, Academy of International Business. All rights reserved.

published proceedings

  • Journal of International Business Studies

author list (cited authors)

  • Griffith, D. A., Hu, M. Y., & Ryans, J. K.

citation count

  • 127

complete list of authors

  • Griffith, David A||Hu, Michael Y||Ryans, John K

publication date

  • June 2000