selected publications academicarticle Puls, E., Hueste, M., Hurlebaus, S., & Damnjanovic, I. (2018). Prioritization of a Bridge Inventory for Historic Preservation: A Case Study for Tarrant County, Texas. Public Works Management and Policy. 23(3), 205-220. Terzioglu, T., Karthik, M. M., Hurlebaus, S., Hueste, M., Maack, S., Woestmann, J., ... Olson, L. D. (2018). Nondestructive evaluation of grout defects in internal tendons of post-tensioned girders. Independent Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT and E) International. 99, 23-35. Terzioglu, T., Hueste, M., & Mander, J. B. (2017). Live Load Distribution Factors for Spread Slab Beam Bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering. 22(10), 04017067. Terzioglu, T., Jiang, D., Hueste, M., & Mander, J. B. (2016). Design and Constructability of Spread Slab-Beam Bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering. 21(12), 04016089. Terzioglu, T., Jiang, D., Hueste, M., Mander, J. B., & Fry, G. T. (2016). Experimental Investigation of a Full-Scale Spread Slab Beam Bridge. Journal of Bridge Engineering. 21(11), 04016082. Jiang, D., Terzioglu, T., Hueste, M., Mander, J. B., & Fry, G. T. (2016). Experimental study of an in-service spread slab beam bridge. Engineering Structures. 127, 525-535. Bai, J., Hueste, M., & Gardoni, P. (2015). Seismic vulnerability assessment of tilt-up concrete structures. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 11(9), 1131-1146. Kim, Y. H., Hueste, M., & Trejo, D. (2015). Flexural Behavior of High-Early-Strength Self-Consolidating Concrete Pretensioned Bridge Girders: Experimental Evaluation. Journal of Bridge Engineering. 20(2), 04014064. Bai, J., Hueste, M., & Gardoni, P. (2014). Case Study: Scenario-Based Seismic Loss Estimation for Concrete Buildings in Mid-America. Earthquake Spectra. 30(4), 1585-1599. Pillai, R. G., Reinschmidt, K. F., Trejo, D., Gardoni, P., & Hueste, M. (2014). Predicting Residual Tensile Strength of Seven-Wire Strands Using That of Single Wires Exposed to Chloride Environments. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. 26(8), 04014044. Hueste, M. B. (2013). Meeting future texas bridge-building requirements. Texas Transportation Researcher. 49(4), 10-11. Kim, Y. H., Trejo, D., Hueste, M., & Mart-Vargas, J. R. (2013). Bond performance in self-consolidating concrete pretensioned bridge girders. ACI Structural Journal. 110(5), 878-880. Kim, Y. H., Trejo, D., & Hueste, M. (2012). Bond performance in self-consolidating concrete pretensioned bridge girders. ACI Structural Journal. 109(6), 755-765. Kim, Y. H., Trejo, D., Atahan, H. N., & Hueste, M. (2012). Mechanical Property Prediction for High Early Strength Self-Consolidating Concrete. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. 24(12), 1501-1512. Duan, H., & Hueste, M. (2012). Seismic performance of a reinforced concrete frame building in China. Engineering Structures. 41, 77-89. Kim, Y. H., Trejo, D., Hueste, M., & Kim, J. J. (2011). Experimental study on creep and durability of high-early-strength self-consolidating concrete for precast elements. ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL. 108(2), 128-138. Bai, J., Gardoni, P., & Hueste, M. (2011). Story-specific demand models and seismic fragility estimates for multi-story buildings. Structural Safety. 33(1), 96-107. Pillai, R. G., Gardoni, P., Trejo, D., Hueste, M., & Reinschmidt, K. F. (2010). Probabilistic Models for the Tensile Strength of Corroding Strands in Posttensioned Segmental Concrete Bridges. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. 22(10), 967-977. Kim, Y. H., Hueste, M., Trejo, D., & Cline, D. (2010). Shear Characteristics and Design for High-Strength Self-Consolidating Concrete. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING. 136(8), 989-1000. Pillai, R. G., Hueste, M. D., Gardoni, P., Trejo, D., & Reinschmidt, K. F. (2010). Time-variant service reliability of post-tensioned, segmental, concrete bridges exposed to corrosive environments. Engineering Structures. 32(9), 2596-2605. Gardoni, P., Pillai, R. G., Hueste, M., Reinschmidt, K., & Trejo, D. (2009). Probabilistic Capacity Models for Corroding Posttensioning Strands Calibrated Using Laboratory Results. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 135(9), 906-916. Kueht, E., & Hueste, M. B. (2009). Impact of Code Requirements in the Central United States: Seismic Performance Assessment of a Reinforced Concrete Building. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING. 135(4), 404-413. Trejo, D., Pillai, R. G., Hueste, M., Reinschmidt, K. F., & Gardoni, P. (2009). Parameters Influencing Corrosion and Tension Capacity of Post-Tensioning Strands. ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL. 106(2), 144-153. Bai, J., Hueste, M., & Gardoni, P. (2009). Probabilistic Assessment of Structural Damage due to Earthquakes for Buildings in Mid-America. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING. 135(10), 1155-1163. Trejo, D., Moutassem, F., Hueste, M., Halmen, C., & Cline, D. (2007). Influence of environmental exposure conditions on mechanical properties of high-strength concrete. ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL. 104(6), 643-652. Hueste, M., Browning, J. A., Lepage, A., & Wallace, J. W. (2007). Seismic design criteria for slab-column connections. ACI Structural Journal. 104(4), 448-458. Hueste, M., & Bai, J. (2007). Seismic retrofit of a reinforced concrete flat-slab structure: Part I seismic performance evaluation. Engineering Structures. 29(6), 1165-1177. Hueste, M., & Bai, J. (2007). Seismic retrofit of a reinforced concrete flat-slab structure: Part II seismic fragility analysis. Engineering Structures. 29(6), 1178-1188. Peralta, D. F., Bracci, J. M., & Hueste, M. (2004). Seismic behavior of wood diaphragms in pre-1950s unreinforced masonry buildings. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING. 130(12), 2040-2050. Barron, J. M., & Hueste, M. (2004). Diaphragm effects in rectangular reinforced concrete buildings. ACI Structural Journal. 101(5), 615-624. Hueste, M., Chompreda, P., Trejo, D., Cline, D., & Keating, P. B. (2004). Errata: Mechanical properties of high-strength concrete for prestressed members [ACI Structural Journal/September-October 2004 pp. 463-646]. ACI Structural Journal. 101(5), 739-740. Young, B. S., Bracci, J. M., Keating, P. B., & Hueste, M. (2002). Cracking in reinforced concrete bent caps. ACI Structural Journal. 99(4), 488-498. Hueste, M., & Wight, J. K. (1999). Nonlinear Punching Shear Failure Model for Interior Slab-Column Connections. JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING. 125(9), 997-1008. Hueste, M., & Wight, J. K. (1997). Evaluation of a Four-Story Reinforccd Concrete Building Damaged during the Northridge Earthquake. Earthquake Spectra. 13(3), 387-414. Hueste, M., Chompreda, P., Trejo, D., Cline, D., & Keating, P. B. Mechanical properties of high-strength concrete for prestressed members. ACI Structural Journal. 101(4), 457-465. conference paper Hueste, M., Mander, J. B., Baie, R., Parkar, A. S., Parchure, A., Prouty, J. M., & Sarremejane, T. (2016). Behavior and strength of splices for continuous prestressed concrete girder bridges. Aci Special Publications. 121-139. Zhou, Y., & Hueste, M. (2016). Review of test data for interior slab-column connections with moment transfer. Aci Special Publications. 141-166. Bai, J. W., Gardoni, P., & Hueste, M. (2014). Comparison between seismic demand models and incremental dynamic analysis for low-rise and mid-rise reinforced concrete buildings Bai, J. W., Hueste, M., & Gardoni, P. (2013). Seismic vulnerability assessment for tilt-up concrete buildings in Mid-America. 4085-4092. Pillai, R. G., Trejo, D., Gardoni, P., Reinschmidt, K. F., & Hueste, M. (2012). A reliability-based service-life design approach for segmental concrete bridges subject to corrosive conditions Bai, J., Hueste, M., & Gardoni, P. (2011). Scenario-based seismic loss estimation for concrete buildings in the central US. 41-47. Hueste, M., Kang, T., & Robertson, I. N. (2009). Lateral Drift Limits for Structural Concrete Slab-Column Connections Including Shear Reinforcement Effects. 1-10. Bai, J., Hueste, M., & Gardoni, P. (2009). Seismic Performance and Retrofit for Tilt-Up Concrete Buildings in Mid-America. 1-9. Bai, J., Hueste, M., & Gardoni, P. (2008). Probabilistic Assessment of Structural Seismic Damage for Buildings in MidAmerica. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1685-1692. Pillai, R. G., Gardoni, P., Hueste, M., Reinschmidt, K., & Trejo, D. (2007). Probabilistic capacity models for corroding strands in Post-Tensioned bridges with voided tendons. 469-470. Hueste, M., Bracci, J., & Gould, P. (2006). Designing an institute for collaborative instruction and learning. 7269-7276. Bai, J. W., & Hueste, M. (2006). Seismic fragility of a tilt-up concrete building in the Central United States. 7512-7521. Mary, B., & Cuadros, G. G. (2004). Survey of Current Practice for Design of High-Strength Concrete Prestressed Bridge Girders. Transportation Research Record. 137-149. Bracci, J. M., Hueste, M., & Roesset, J. M. (2001). Requirements for performance-based design of buildings. Advances in Earthquake Engineering. 293-302.
teaching activities CVEN444 Struc Concrete Design Instructor CVEN446 Struc Steel Design Instructor CVEN483 Anlysis & Des Of Struc Instructor CVEN485 Directed Studies Instructor CVEN491 Hnr-research Instructor CVEN621 Adv Rein Concrete Des Instructor CVEN671 Beh&des Prestressed Conc Instructor CVEN681 Seminar Instructor CVEN685 Directed Studies Instructor CVEN691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor - (Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States) 1997
awards and honors Delmar L Bloem Distinguished Service Award, conferred by American Concrete Institute - (Farmington Hills, Michigan, United States), 2016 TTI/Trinity Senior Researcher Award, conferred by Texas A&M Transportation Institute - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2014 Williams Brothers Construction Company Fellow, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2011 ACI Fellow, conferred by American Concrete Institute - (Farmington Hills, Michigan, United States), 2011 E.B. Snead '25 Developmental Professorship II, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2007 Ruth and William Neely '52/Dow Chemical Faculty Fellow, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2004 Zachry Award for Excellence in Teaching, conferred by Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States), 2001