Self-Perceived Youth Leadership And Life Skills Of Iowa FFA Members uri icon


  • Iowa FFA members were surveyed to determine if a significant relationship existed between their self-perceived youth leadership and life skills development scores and their participation in youth leadership activities. This study was patterned after research done by Dormody and Seevers (1994) of New Mexico State University. Responses were received from 316 Iowa FFA members. Iowa FFA members' Youth Leadership And Life Skill Development Scale (YLLSDS) scores ranged from 0 to 90 with a composite mean of 62.6. The three highest shill means were observed for the YLLSDS items "getting along with others, " "respect others, " and "show a responsible attitude. " FFA members participated most actively in chapter meetings, fundraising and chapter banquets. Respondents indicated the highest leadership opportunities for non FFA activities occurred through participation in sports, church groups, and after school jobs. The strongest relationship existed between YLLSDS scores and FFA leadership activities followed by years of membership in FFA, age, jobs, achievement expectancy, club officer, church groups, and class officer. A total of 22.26% of the variance in YLLSDS scores was explained by a combination of participation in FFA leadership activities, after school jobs, years in the FFA, self-reported cumulative grades, and gender.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Agricultural Education

author list (cited authors)

  • Wingenbach, G. J., & Kahler, A. A.

citation count

  • 16
  • 17

complete list of authors

  • Wingenbach, Gary J||Kahler, Alan A

publication date

  • 1997