Associated Factors In Recruitment And Retention Of 4-H Members In West Virginia uri icon


  • This study was designed to determine effective recruitment and retention techniques for increasing enrollment in the West Virginia 4-Hprogram. Data were collectedfor this survey research from county 4-H club leaders and Extension agents via two mail questionnaires. The sample consisted of I65 county 4-H club leaders and 55 Extension agents. A total of 115 (52%) usable questionnaires were returned Participants rated the perceived importance of various recruitment and retention techniques used by 4-H club leaders. The highest rated recruitment techniques were "have exciting and active clubs to entice others to join, "word of mouth--friends telling friends about 4-H," "make meetings/programs interesting and fun," "make members feel welcome," and "'allow 4-H members to participate and take active roles in the club." The highest rated retention techniques were "an effective county agent, staff, and 4-H leader," "must be pro 4-H," "fun camping programs," "provide praise, motivation, and encouragement," "let older members know how important they are to the success of the club," and "provide efficient and fun meetings, programs, and activities." Inservice workshops for West Virginia Extension agents and 4-H club leaders should be conducted on organizing an effective and exciting 4-H club meeting and maintaining a dynamic 4-H club.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Agricultural Education

author list (cited authors)

  • Wingenbach, G. J., Meighan, T., Lawrence, L. D., Gartin, S. A., & Woloshuk, J. M.

citation count

  • 2

complete list of authors

  • Wingenbach, Gary J||Meighan, Terence||Lawrence, Layle D||Gartin, Stacy A||Woloshuk, Jean M

publication date

  • January 1999