Menopausal symptom experience of Hispanic midlife women in the United States. uri icon


  • Using a feminist approach, we examined the menopausal symptom experience of Hispanic midlife women in the United States This was a qualitative online forum study among 27 Hispanic midlife women in the United States. Seven topics related to menopausal symptom experience were used to administer the 6-month online forum. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Four themes were identified: (a) "Cambio de vida (change of life)," (b) "being silent about menopause," (c) "trying to be optimistic," and (d) "getting support." More in-depth studies with diverse groups of Hispanic women are needed while considering family as a contextual factor.

published proceedings

  • Health Care Women Int

author list (cited authors)

  • Im, E., Lim, H., Lee, S. H., Dormire, S., Chee, W., & Kresta, K.

citation count

  • 16

complete list of authors

  • Im, Eun-Ok||Lim, Hyun-Ju||Lee, Seung Hee||Dormire, Sharon||Chee, Wonshik||Kresta, Kimberly

publication date

  • October 2009