Location of fat migration during cooking of beef loin steaks with external fat still attached uri icon


  • Eight boneless top loin steaks (3.8 cm thick), four from each side of each carcass, were removed from 10 pairs of U.S. Choice beef loins (n = 80 steaks). From each loin pair, four of the eight steaks were cooked and four remained uncooked. Of the four steaks for each preparation method (raw and cooked), two were analyzed with all external fat removed and two with 0.64 cm of remaining fat. After completing the specified treatments, individual steaks were divided in half (dorsal and ventral halves) and again divided into layers (top, middle, bottom) resulting in six sections. The top layer was the portion of the steak that was placed away from the grill at the time cooking was initiated, and the bottom layer was the portion that was placed directly onto the grill surface at the time cooking was initiated. Fat and moisture content and retention values were determined on each individual muscle section. Significant differences (P < 0.05) in fat and moisture content were found among the sections of the steaks, but not between external fat trim levels. Differences in percentage fat and moisture retention were found among sections of steaks cooked with external fat (0.64 cm) and without external fat (0.0 cm). A layer difference among sections also was observed. The top layer had the highest fat retention, while the bottom layer had the lowest fat retention. 1992.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Food Composition and Analysis

author list (cited authors)

  • Goihl, D. M., Harris, K. B., Savell, J. W., & Cross, H. R.

citation count

  • 3

complete list of authors

  • Goihl, Diane M||Harris, Kerri B||Savell, JW||Cross, HR

publication date

  • January 1992