Nutrient composition of U.S. and New Zealand lamb uri icon


  • Seven retail cuts from each of 51 lambs from the United States (U.S.) and New Zealand differing in age, sex, grade, and weight were analyzed for proximate composition. The vitamins, fatty acids, and cholesterol contents were determined for New Zealand lambs only. In general, retail cut accounted for most of the variation in nutrient composition of the lean tissue, whereas age, quality grade, and carcass weight had little or no significant impact on the nutrient differences. Protein content was not different (P > 0.05) between the U.S. and New Zealand lambs; however, U.S. lambs generally had less cholesterol, higher fat, and lower moisture and ash content than New Zealand lambs. 1988.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Food Composition and Analysis

author list (cited authors)

  • Lin, K. C., Cross, H. R., Johnson, H. K., Breidenstein, B. C., & Ono, K.

citation count

  • 7

complete list of authors

  • Lin, KC||Cross, HR||Johnson, HK||Breidenstein, BC||Ono, K

publication date

  • January 1988