The South America soybean industry: its growth and future prospects. uri icon


  • The soybean industry in the major South American soybean producing countries, Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay, has grown rapidly over the last decade. Brazilian production grew rapidly in the 1970s, largely as a result of an aggressive wheat expansion programme that incidentally promoted double-cropping of wheat and soybeans, this growth has slowed in recent years. In Argentina, the takeoff in soybean area began later than in Brazil, precipitated largely by the development of short-cycle wheats that made double-cropping of wheat and soybeans practical and profitable; again, growth has also slowed recently. The growth in Paraguay's soybean area was largely an outgrowth of the Brazilian soybean phenomenon and there is still potential for substantial increase.-from Authors

published proceedings

  • Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture

author list (cited authors)

  • Williams, G. W., & Thompson, R. L.

complete list of authors

  • Williams, GW||Thompson, RL

publication date

  • January 1984