Development and future direction of the world soybean market. uri icon


  • Growth in world demand for soybeans and soybean meal has been largely a response to the rapid expansion of the livestock and livestock feed industries in developed and centrally planned countries. Over the longer run, the relative strengths and weaknesses of a number of forces will determine the structure, growth, and viability of the world soybean market. Among others, these include the expansion rate of the South American soybean industry, Chinese policies concerning soybean production and imports, the potential for expanding soybean production into tropical and subtropical regions, developments in Soviet, East European, and developing country markets for soybean products, the discovery and commercialization of new uses for soybeans and products, and events in other oilseed and oilseed product markets.-from Author Iowa State Univ. IA, USA.

published proceedings

  • Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture

author list (cited authors)

  • Williams, G. W.

complete list of authors

  • Williams, GW

publication date

  • December 1984