selected publications academicarticle Suzuki, K. (2017). A Critical Assessment of Comparative Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. Sociology of race and ethnicity (Thousand Oaks, Calif.). 3(3), 287-300. Suzuki, K. (2012). The state, race, and immigrant adaptation: A comparative analysis of the Korean diaspora in Japan and the United States. Regions and Cohesion. 2(1), 49-74. book Suzuki, K., & von Vacano, D. A. (2018). A Critical Analysis of Racial Categories in the Age of Genomics. Oxford University Press. Gates, Jr, H. L. (2018). Reconsidering Race. Oxford University Press. Suzuki, K. (2016). Divided Fates The State, Race, and Korean Immigrants' Adaptation in Japan and the United States Suzuki, K.. (2016). Divided Fates: The State, Race, and Korean Immigrants' Adaptation in Japan and the United States. Lexington Books. chapter Suzuki, K. (2021). EMPIRE AND RACIALIZATION: REINTERPRETING JAPAN'S PAN-ASIANISM FROM A DU BOISIAN PERSPECTIVE. Political Power and Social Theory. GLOBAL HISTORICAL SOCIOLOGY OF RACE AND RACISM. (pp. 23-54). Emerald. Suzuki, K., & von Vacano, D. A. (2018). Conclusion. Reconsidering Race: Social Science Perspectives on Racial Categories in the Age of Genomics. (pp. 238-254). Oxford University Press. Suzuki, K. (2015). What can we learn from Japanese professional BL writers?: A sociological analysis of Yaoi/BL terminology and classifications. Boys Love Manga and Beyond: History, Culture, and Community in Japan. (pp. 93-118). Suzuki, K. (2006). Toward a Theory of Immigrant Adaptation: A Comparative Study of the Korean Diaspora in Japan and the United States. Hirota, Y., Machimura, T., Tajima, J., & Watado, I. (Eds.), Horizon of Advanced Urban Sociology Vol. I. (pp. 59-83). Harvest. Suzuki, K. (1998). Pornography or Therapy? Japanese Girls Creating the Yaoi Phenomenon. Inness, S. (Eds.), Millennium Girls: Todays Girls Around the World. (pp. 243-267). owman & Littlefield.
teaching activities ASIA463 Gender In Asia Instructor ASIA489 Sptp: R&e & Beyond Instructor SOCI207 Intro Gender & Society Instructor SOCI463 Gender In Asia Instructor SOCI489 Sptp: R&e & Beyond Instructor SOCI661 Sociology Of Gender Instructor SOCI685 Directed Studies Instructor SOCI691 Research Instructor WGST207 Intro Gender & Society Instructor WGST463 Gender In Asia Instructor WGST661 Sociology Of Gender Instructor
education and training B.A. in Economics, Aoyama Gakuin University - (Tokyo, Japan) M.A. in Sociology, Princeton University - (Princeton, New Jersey, United States) Ph.D. in Sociology, Princeton University - (Princeton, New Jersey, United States)
awards and honors School of Social Science/Member, conferred by Institute for Advanced Study - (Princeton, New Jersey, United States), 2008 Abe Fellowship, conferred by Social Science Research Council - (New York, New York, United States), 2002