Yates, Deborah (2007-09). Incorporating classical studies in education: Parmenides' fragments as teaching tools and specific emphasis on Parmenides' proem. Master's Thesis.
A thesis presented on Parmenides of Elea, born in 510 B.C.E., serves as a muse for my studies in education. I find his fragments and specifically his poem, AcA?A?On Nature,AcA?A? to be very captivating as a metaphor for education and for life. Specifically, his work points towards the importance of being on a journey in quest of knowledge. I utilize his metaphor as a quest in a personal educational journey and also in an academic one that can be applied to the searches of others. I am interested in utilizing the writings of ParmenidesAcA?A? work to form a framework for a philosophy curriculum for secondary schools. The thesis is centered on ParmenidesAcA?A? proem-introduction, poem and its applications for applying philosophy to values clarification and ethics.
ETD Chair
Slattery, G. Patrick Professor and Associate Department Head for Graduate Studies