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Park, Eun TTI Senior Research Scientist


Dr. Park has over 24 years of experience in conducting advanced research on transportation-related statistics issues, environmental concerns, and air pollution epidemiology. Her expertise includes environmental modeling and assessment of health effects of multiple air pollutants, modeling and analysis of transportation data, high-dimensional data analysis, latent variable models and factor analysis, spatial-temporal modeling and analysis, Bayesian hierarchical modeling, Bayesian model selection, and uncertainty assessment.

Dr. Park has led several air pollution research projects, including developing enhanced statistical methods for assessing health effects associated with multiple air pollutants for the Health Effects Institute, estimating traffic-related air pollution for the Center for International Intelligent Transportation Research, and predicting unobserved source contributions for PM2.5 in South Korea for Seoul National University. She is currently serving as the contact PI on a four-year R01 study funded by the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) evaluating the impact of a regulatory intervention to reduce shipping emissions on public health and as multi-PI on an NIEHS-funded R01 investigation of source-apportioned multi-pollutant exposures and the neighborhood context on disparities in risk of stillbirth. She is also developing Bayesian hierarchical models accounting for exposure measurement errors to estimate associations between ambient pollutants and cognitive decline for another NIH-funded study.

Dr. Park has been leading modeling and data analysis tasks in numerous transportation research studies for Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), and Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS). She is currently serving as Co-PI on an FHWA project for developing crash modification factors along with uncertainty estimates for pedestrians, left turn lanes, curves, and roadway departure safety improvements.

Dr. Park has authored or co-authored over 150 publications, including a transportation statistics textbook titled 'Transportation Statistics and Microsimulation'. She was the recipient of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Pedestrian Committee Outstanding Paper awards in 2006 and 2009, the 2010 TTI/Trinity Researcher Award, the 2010 Patricia F. Waller Award (TRB), the 2011 D. Grant Mickle Award (TRB), the 2019 TRB Paratransit Committee Best Paper Award, the 2021 TRB Safety Methods Committee Best Paper Award, and the 2023 H.O. Hartley Award. Dr. Park is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA), an Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), a Member of the TRB Statistical Methods Committee, and Editor for Statistics of the journal Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems.

HR job title

  • TTI Senior Research Scientist