Generic Advertising of U.S. Lamb uri icon


  • 2016, Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ABSTRACT: Generic advertising of U.S. lamb by the U.S. sheep and lamb industry is an effort to reverse an almost continual decline in the industry since World War II. This analysis explores the answers to three related questions: (1) What have been the effects of the generic lamb advertising on U.S. and foreign sheep, lamb, and wool markets? (2) Has the generic lamb advertising program effectively increased the consumption of domestically produced lamb as intended rather than imported lamb? (3) What have been the returns to U.S. sheep producers, feeders, and packers who pay for the advertising? Using a 70-equation, non-spatial, price equilibrium, simultaneous econometric simulation model of the world sheep, lamb, and wool markets, the analysis concludes that the U.S. lamb industrys generic lamb advertising program has positively impacted their markets, enhanced profitability of the industry, and increased the industrys share of domestic lamb consumption.

published proceedings

  • Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing

author list (cited authors)

  • Ghosh, S., & Williams, G. W.

citation count

  • 5

complete list of authors

  • Ghosh, Somali||Williams, Gary W

publication date

  • October 2016