The longitudinal relations of regulation and emotionality to quality of Indonesian children's socioemotional functioning. uri icon


  • Data regarding individual differences in children's regulation, emotionality, quality of socioemotional functioning, and shyness were obtained from teachers and peers for 112 Indonesian 6th graders. Similar data (plus parents' reports) also were collected when these children were in 3rd grade. For boys, regulation and low negative emotionality generally predicted positive socioemotional functioning (e.g., social skills, adjustment, prosocial tendencies and peer liking, sympathy) within and across time and across reporters, even at the follow-up when initial levels of regulation or negative emotionality were controlled. For girls, relations were obtained primarily for concurrent teacher reports, probably because girls tended to be fairly well regulated and socially competent and variability in their scores was relatively low. Shyness for both sexes tended to be associated with concurrent measures of low regulation, high negative emotionality, and low quality of social competence.

published proceedings

  • Dev Psychol

author list (cited authors)

  • Eisenberg, N., Liew, J., & Pidada, S. U.

complete list of authors

  • Eisenberg, Nancy||Liew, Jeffrey||Pidada, Sri Untari