Neuropsychological profiles of children diagnosed as specific language impaired with and without hyperlexia
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This study compared the neuropsychological profiles of 46 children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) and 16 children with SLI and Hyperlexia (SLI + H). The results indicated that the essential feature of Hyperlexia is Specific Language Impairment and not reading disability. Thus, Hyperlexia would be best conceptualized as a subgroup of Developmental Language Disorder rather than as a subgroup of Developmental Dyslexia. Further, the SLI + H group exhibited significantly better developed visual/spatial memory which, along with average visual perceptual skills, appears to be the major contributing factor to their elevated word recognition and spelling ability. Finally, it should be noted that both groups of children exhibited decreasing performance on tasks of immediate auditory/verbal memory as the language/semantic demands of the memory task increased. This finding appears to be the result of a limited capacity for immediate verbal processing and not the result of a deficit in verbal learning and recall.