Assessing anxiety about retirement: the case of academicians. uri icon


  • One hundred and forty-four individuals, ninety-two of whom were active university faculty and fifty-two of whom were retired, completed a measure of anxiety about retirement as well as a battery of self-report scales assessing a number of personality, job-related, and retirement-specific constructs. Results suggested that the newly developed measure of retirement anxiety possessed high internal consistency as well as both discriminant and construct validity. Moreover, it is multidimensional in nature, and distinct in content from previous scales assessing anxiety about retirement. Its use for persons anticipating retirement is discussed in the context of the benefits of a proactive stance toward retirement preparation.

published proceedings

  • Int J Aging Hum Dev

author list (cited authors)

  • Hayslip, B., Beyerlein, M., & Nichols, J. A.

citation count

  • 36

complete list of authors

  • Hayslip, B||Beyerlein, M||Nichols, JA

publication date

  • January 1997