publication venue for
- Twin nucleation from disconnection-dense sites between stacking fault pairs in a random defect network. 30:101835-101835. 2023
- Behavior and properties of helium cavities in ductile-phase-toughened tungsten irradiated with He+ ions at an elevated temperature. 29:101789-101789. 2023
- Recent progress in the CoCrNi alloy system. 24:101476-101476. 2022
- Twinning pathways enabled by precipitates in AZ91. 21:101292-101292. 2022
- Lattice misorientation evolution and grain refinement in Al-Si alloys under high-strain shear deformation. 18:101146-101146. 2021
- Influence of carbon on the mechanical behavior and microstructure evolution of CoCrFeMnNi processed by high pressure torsion. 16:101059. 2021
- Understanding the interaction of extension twinning and basal-plate precipitates in Mg-9Al using precession electron diffraction. 15:101044-101044. 2021
- Enhanced mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of a fine-grained Mg-9Al-1Zn alloy: the role of bimodal grain structure and beta-Mg17Al12 precipitates. 13:100840-100840. 2020
- On ductile fracture of 316L stainless steels at room and cryogenic temperature level: An engineering approach to determine material parameters. 10:100624-100624. 2020
- Radiation response of a Fe-20Cr-25Ni austenitic stainless steel under Fe2+ irradiation at 500 C. 9:100542-100542. 2020
- Experimental observations of the mechanisms associated with the high hardening and low strain to failure of magnesium. 8:100504-100504. 2019
Predicting the formation of
dislocations in magnesium alloys from multiple stacking fault energies . 7:100352-100352. 2019 - Effective atomic diffusion coefficient dependence on applied pressure during spark plasma sintering. 6:100334. 2019
- Localized plasticity in silicon carbide ceramics induced by laser shock processing. 6:100265-100265. 2019
- Novel amorphous SiOC dispersion-strengthened austenitic steels. 6:100345-100345. 2019
- Anisotropic conjugate stress/strain base pair approach for laminates undergoing large deformations. 6:100318-100318. 2019
- Influence of dynamic recrystallization and shear banding on the localized corrosion of severely deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy. 4:457-465. 2018
- New dispersion mechanism for oxide dispersion-strengthened steels by liquid metallurgy. 35:102123-102123.
- Thermal behavior of coated powder during directed energy deposition (DED). 38:102235-102235.