publication venue for
- Evaluation of Almond Harvest Dust Abatement Strategies Using an Aerial Drone Particle Monitoring System. 7:519-519. 2023
- Minimal Energy Routing of a Leader and a Wingmate with Periodic Connectivity. 7:388-388. 2023
- Wheat Lodging Segmentation Based on Lstm_PSPNet Deep Learning Network. 7:143-143. 2023
- Deriving First Floor Elevations within Residential Communities Located in Galveston Using UAS Based Data. 6:81-81. 2022
- Simulation and Characterization of Wind Impacts on sUAS Flight Performance for Crash Scene Reconstruction. 5:67-67. 2021
- Spray Deposition on Weeds (Palmer Amaranth and Morningglory) from a Remotely Piloted Aerial Application System and Backpack Sprayer. 4:59-59. 2020
- Use of Fire-Extinguishing Balls for a Conceptual System of Drone-Assisted Wildfire Fighting. 3:17-17. 2019
- Drop Nozzle from a Remotely Piloted Aerial Application System Reduces Spray Displacement. 9:120-120.