publication venue for
- Optomechanical Cooling and Inertial Sensing at Low Frequencies. 19:054004. 2023
- Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Influencing the Dynamics of VO2 Mott Oscillators. 19:044028. 2023
- Photonic-Crystal-Fiber Quantum Probes for High-Resolution Thermal Imaging. 13:044048. 2020
- Impact of System Factors on the Performance of Photoacoustic Tomography Scanners. 13:014001. 2020
- Competing Nonlinear Delocalization of Light for Laser Inscription Inside Silicon with a 2-mu m Picosecond Laser. 12:024009. 2019
- Quadrupole-Quadrupole Interactions to Control Plasmon-Induced Transparency. 9:064015. 2018
- Pulsed Photoelectric Coherent Manipulation and Detection of N-V Center Spins in Diamond. 7:044032. 2017
- Magnetically Induced Depolarization of Microwave Scattering from a Laser-Generated Plasma. 12:034055.
- Quantum Advantage with Seeded Squeezed Light for Absorption Measurement. 15:044030.
- Single-Shot Direct Tomography of the Complete Transverse Amplitude, Phase, and Polarization Structure of a Light Field. 12:034036.
- Species-Independent Femtosecond Localized Electric Field Measurement. 7:024024.