publication venue for
- Numerical Simulations of the NREL Phase VI Wind Turbine with Low-Amplitude Sinusoidal Pitch. 8:201-201. 2023
- Implicit Type Constitutive Relations for Elastic Solids and Their Use in the Development of Mathematical Models for Viscoelastic Fluids. 6:131-131. 2021
- Mass and Momentum Transfer Considerations for Oil Displacement in Source Rocks Using Microemulsion Solutions. 5:44-44. 2020
- Numerical Simulations of Flow around Copepods: Challenges and Future Directions. 5:52-52. 2020
- Fast Models of Hydrocarbon Migration Paths and Pressure Depletion Based on Complex Analysis Methods (CAM): Mini-Review and Verification. 5:7-7. 2020
- Tracer Test and Streamline Simulation for Geothermal Resources in Cuona of Tibet. 5:128-128. 2020
- Longevity of Enhanced Geothermal Systems with Brine Circulation in Hydraulically Fractured Hydrocarbon Wells. 4:63-63. 2019
- Lubrication Approximation for Fluids with Shear-Dependent Viscosity. 4:98-98. 2019
- Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Fluids in 2018. 4:9-9. 2019
- Thin-Film Flow of an Inhomogeneous Fluid with Density-Dependent Viscosity. 4:30-30. 2019
- Data-Driven Model Reduction for Coupled Flow and Geomechanics Based on DMD Methods. 4:138-138. 2019
- Derivation of the Variants of the Burgers Model Using a Thermodynamic Approach and Appealing to the Concept of Evolving Natural Configurations. 3:69-69. 2018
- A Short Review of Advances in the Modelling of Blood Rheology and Clot Formation. 2:35-35. 2017
- On the Flows of Fluids Defined through Implicit Constitutive Relations between the Stress and the Symmetric Part of the Velocity Gradient. 1:5-5. 2016
- CO2 Injection Effect on Geomechanical and Flow Properties of Calcite-Rich Reservoirs. 3:66-66.
- Data-Driven Reduced-Order Modeling of Convective Heat Transfer in Porous Media. 6:266-266.
- The Formation of Counter-Rotating Vortex Pair and the Nature of Liftoff-Reattachment in Film-Cooling Flow. 1:39-39.
- The Impacts of Gustiness on Air-Sea Momentum Flux. 6:336-336.
- Towards Reconstruction of Complex Flow Fields Using Unit Flows. 6:255-255.