publication venue for
- Quantifying changes in respiratory syncytial virus-associated hospitalizations among children in Texas during COVID-19 pandemic using records from 2006 to 2021.. 11:1124316. 2023
- Non-invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring and Assessment of Fluid Responsiveness in Children With Shock in the Emergency Department.. 10:857106. 2022
- Simulation-Based Training in High-Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Among Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Providers.. 10:808992. 2022
- Propofol Infusion Is a Feasible Bridge to Extubation in General Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.. 8:255. 2020
- Thoracic Fluid Content (TFC) Measurement Using Impedance Cardiography Predicts Outcomes in Critically Ill Children.. 8:564902. 2020
- Advances in Pediatric Critical Care Research in India.. 6:150. 2018
- Editorial: Neonatal and Pediatric Cerebro-Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CCPR): Where Do We Stand and Where Are We Heading?. 6:165. 2018
- Hands-On Defibrillation Skills of Pediatric Acute Care Providers During a Simulated Ventricular Fibrillation Cardiac Arrest Scenario.. 6:107. 2018
- Interactive Block Games for Assessing Children's Cognitive Skills: Design and Preliminary Evaluation.. 6:111. 2018
- Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Training in India: Past, Present, and Future.. 6:34. 2018
- Poor Compliance with Sepsis Guidelines in a Tertiary Care Children's Hospital Emergency Room.. 6:53. 2018
- Neurologic Injury Associated with Rewarming from Hypothermia: Is Mild Hypothermia on Bypass Better than Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest?. 4:104. 2016
- Sleep in infancy predicts gender specific social-emotional problems in toddlers.. 3:42. 2015
- Neuroinflammation and neuroimmune dysregulation after acute hypoxic-ischemic injury of developing brain.. 2:144. 2014