publication venue for
- Incorporating Field Experience into International Agricultural Development Programs. 13:456-456. 2023
- Fluency Interventions for Elementary Students with Reading Difficulties: A Synthesis of Research from 2000-2019. 10:52-52. 2020
- Texas-Mexico Border vs. Non-Border School Districts' Growth Trajectory of High-Stakes Reading Performance: A Multi-Level Approach. 9:38-38. 2019
- Vocabulary Instruction: A Critical Analysis of Theories, Research, and Practice. 8:180-180. 2018
- Concept Raps versus Concept Maps: A Culturally Responsive Approach to STEM Vocabulary Development. 8:108-108. 2018
- Assessing Conceptual Understanding via Literacy-Infused, Inquiry-Based Science among Middle School English Learners and Economically-Challenged Students. 8:27-27. 2018
- Actualizing Change after Experiencing Significant Mathematics PD: Hearing from Teachers of Color about Their Practice and Mathematical Identities. 11:710-710.
- An Examination of Practice-Based Virtual Simulations and Pre-Service Mathematics Teaching Efficacy and Outcome Expectancy. 12:262-262.
- Elevating Students Oral and Written Language: Empowering African American Students Through Language. 14:1191-1191.
- Equity Gaps in Literacy among Elementary School Students from Two Countries: The Negative Social Resonance Effect of Intersectional Disadvantage and the Dampening Effect of Learning Capital. 13:827-827.
- Examining the Home Learning Environment Practices for Emergent Bilinguals: Insights from Parental Survey. 14:1152-1152.
- Exploring the Transferability of STEM PBL Instructional Principles from Higher Education to K-12 Classrooms. 15:39-39.
- Fluency: Deep Roots in Reading Instruction. 10:155-155.
- Impact of Classroom-Based Fluency Instruction on Grade One Students in an Urban Elementary School. 10:227-227.
- Resilience in Action through Culture: Latinas Successfully Navigating STEM Spaces at an HSI. 14:848-848.
- The Effects of Invented Spelling Instruction on Literacy Achievement and Writing Motivation. 14:1020-1020.