publication venue for
- Considering Instructional Contexts in AAC Interventions for People with ASD and/or IDD Experiencing Complex Communicative Needs: a Single-Case Design Meta-analysis. 10:615-629. 2023
- Interventions for Improving Social-Communication Skills for Adolescents and Adults with ASD: a Meta-analysis. 10:391-405. 2023
- Caregiver Involvement in Communication Intervention for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families with Individuals with ASD and IDD: a Systematic Review of Cross-Cultural Research. 10:239-254. 2023
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication Intervention Targets for School-Aged Participants with ASD and ID: a Single-Case Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. 11:52-65. 2022
- Effective Interventions in Teaching Employment Skills to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: A Single-Case Meta-analysis. 6:200-215. 2019
- Mathematics Interventions for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review. 3:224-238. 2016
- A Meta-analytic Review of Functional Communication Training Across Mode of Communication, Age, and Disability. 2:155-166. 2015
- Meta-analysis of Single-Case Research on Teaching Functional Living Skills to Individuals with ASD. 2:184-198. 2015
- A Review of Explicit and Systematic Scripted Instructional Programs for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 2:55-66. 2015