publication venue for
- Non-communicable disease risk associated with red and processed meat consumption-magnitude, certainty, and contextuality of risk?. 13:19-27. 2023
- Fueling equine performance: importance of mitochondrial phenotype in equine athletes.. 12:6-14. 2022
- Current state of enteric methane and the carbon footprint of beef and dairy cattle in the United States.. 11:57-68. 2021
- A 2020 synopsis of the cell-cultured animal industry.. 10:64-72. 2020
- Animal science program accreditation? This is the future.. 10:30-35. 2020
- How can nutrition models increase the production efficiency of sheep and goat operations?. 9:33-44. 2019
- The outbreak that changed meat and poultry inspection systems worldwide.. 8:4-8. 2018
- Food and nutrient security for a growing population.. 8:3-4. 2018
- Investing in stockpeople is an investment in animal welfare and agricultural sustainability.. 8:53-59. 2018
- Beef cattle production system capacity considerations for improved food security: A case study in Myanmar.. 8:38-46. 2018
- Global effects of changing land-use on animal agriculture. 5:14-23. 2015