Evaluation of quality in fruits of seven native tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme) genotypes
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the fruit quality of seven genotypes native tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme): JCPRV-05, JCPVR-09, JCPRV-10, JCPRV-43, JCPRV-70, JCPRV-71, and JCPRV-76 were grown in hydroponics without recirculation and under greenhouse. A commercial cherry tomato hybrid was used as a control (H-790). Firmness, days at 7 % of weight loss (DWL)), pH, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, lycopene, -carotene and ascorbic acid content were evaluated. There were significant differences in all variables, except pH, which ranged from 4.1 to 4.4. In firmness, H-790 exceeded by 19.5 % to the native genotype which showed the highest penetration resistance (JCPRV-05). In DWL, H-790 exceeded by 20.6 % to JCPRV-10 which presented the greatest period of native genotypes. In total soluble solids, JCPRV-05 exceeded by 10 % to H-790. In acidity, JCPRV-43 exceeded by 23 % to H-790. In regard to the lycopene content, JCPRV-09 was 6.1 % higher than H-790. In -carotene content, JCPRV-76 exceeded by 4.0 % to H-790; JCPRV-76 exceeded by 35.4 % to H-790 in ascorbic acid content. Except for firmness, pH and DPP fruit, most native evaluated genotypes exceeded to commercial hybrid (H-790) for all parameters. It was considered that these materials could be used as a source of germplasm in breeding programs of tomato in order to increase the internal quality of fruits of this specie.