publisher of
- Improving the Efficiency of Gas Turbines During Off-Design Operation by Adjusting the Turbine and Compressor Blade Stagger Angles. Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering. 7:1-10. 2018
- A Five-Year Evaluation of the Bearfit Worksite Physical Activity Program. Occupational medicine & health affairs. 5:1-5. 2017
- An Experimental Study on the Application of Ultrasonic Technology for Demulsifying Crude Oil and Water Emulsions. Journal of Petroleum and Environmental Biotechnology. 08:1-12. 2017
- Application of a Novel Ultrasonic Technology to Improve Oil Recovery with an Environmental Viewpoint. Journal of Petroleum and Environmental Biotechnology. 8:1-5. 2017
- Association of Neonectria macrodidyma with Dry Root Rot of Citrus in California. Journal of plant pathology & microbiology. 8:1-4. 2017
- Energy Consumption of Herbaceous Biomass Bulk Densification. Innovative Energy & Research. 06. 2017
- Improved Fault Detection and Process Safety Using Multiscale Shewhart Charts.. Journal of Chemical Engineering and Process Technology. 8:1-12. 2017
- In-Hive Miticides and their Effect on Queen Supersedure and Colony Growth in the Honey Bee (Apis mellifera). Journal of Environmental and Analytical Toxicology. 2016. 2016
- Investigating the Effect of High Pressures and Temperatures on Corrosion Inhibition for Water-Based Drilling Fluids. Journal of Petroleum and Environmental Biotechnology. 7:1-5. 2016
- Safe Practices in Drilling and Completion of Sour Gas Wells. Journal of Petroleum and Environmental Biotechnology. 7. 2016
- Tissue Residue Levels of Butorphanol, Azaperone, Medetomidine, Atipamezole, and Naltrexone in White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginanus) at 11 and 21 Days Post Intramuscular Injection. Poultry Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences. 04:1-2. 2016
- Challenges Associated with Multi-institutional Multi-site Clinical Trial Collaborations: Lessons from a Diabetes Self-Management Interventions Study in Primary Care. Journal of Clinical Trials. 05. 2015
- Measurement of Organophosphate Pesticides, Organochlorine Pesticides, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Household Dust from Two Rural Villages in Nepal. Journal of Environmental and Analytical Toxicology. 5. 2015
- Losing Our Dear Antibiotics. Poultry Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences. 2. 2014
- Mechanosensing and Regulation of Cardiac Function.. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Cardiology. 5:314. 2014
- Population attributable risks of neurobehavioral disorders due to low birth weight in US children.. Advances in Pediatric Research. 1:2. 2014
- Analysis of Multivariate Disease Classification Data in the Presence of Partially Missing Disease Traits.. Journal of Biometrics and Biostatistics. 5:1000197. 2014
- Fish Consumption: Risks versus Benefits with Respect to Developmental Methyl Mercury Exposure: Is there a Bottom Line?. Poultry Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences. 02. 2014
- Culturally-Tailored Education Programs to Address Health Literacy Deficits and Pervasive Health Disparities among Hispanics in Rural Shelbyville, Kentucky.. Journal of Community Medicine and Health Education. 3:20475. 2013
- In vivo Efficacy of PAMAM-Dendrimer-Cisplatin Complexes in SKOV-3 Xenografted Balb/C Nude Mice. Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials. 2013. 2013
- Selecting Optimal Animal Models to Investigate Environmental Toxicology. Poultry Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences. 2013. 2013
- Protective Effect of Nardostachys jatamansi Against Radiation-induced Damage at Biochemical and Chromosomal Levels in Swiss Albino Mice.. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 74:460-465. 2012
- Effects of Supraphysiological Doses of Sex Steroids on Wheel Running Activity in Mice. 2012
- Nanoparticle-Based Lubrication Systems. Journal of Powder Metallurgy and Mining. 01. 2012
- Regulation of Coronary Vasomotor Function by Reactive Oxygen Species.. Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics. 1:1000101. 2012
- Perceived Responsibility to Initiate Family Health History Discussions among College Women Associated with Individuals Diagnosed with Heart Disease 2012
- Effects of Aromatase Inhibition on the Physical Activity Levels of Male Mice. 2011
- Effects of Combined Use of Antiretroviral Agents and Atypical Antipsychotics on Lipid Parameters. Journal of Antivirals and Antiretrovirals. 03:34-39. 2011
- A Five-Year Evaluation of the Bearfit Worksite Physical Activity Program
- Can CRISPR Win the Battle against Huanglongbing?. Journal of plant pathology & microbiology. 8:1-5.
- Recent developments in dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging of tumor angiogenesis.. Imaging in Medicine. 6:41-52.
- Reliability of the NFL-225 Test and 3 Repetition Maximum Test in College Football Players
- Salmonella in Shell Eggs: Mechanisms, Prevention and Detection
- Taking the Reins: U.S. Veterans and Equine Assisted Activities and Therapies