The study examined (a) experienced and novice volleyball players' ability to detect and use information from advance visual sources and (b) the differential availability of information from such advance sources for a variety of volleyball offensive plays. Experienced and novice volleyball players viewed film sequences simulating offensive attack patterns as observed by a defensive backcourt player preparing to intercept an impending spike. Sequences were presented with varying degrees of temporal information both prior to and after the offensive setter's initial contact with the ball. Results indicated that the time period of 167 msec prior to the setter's contact up to and including setter contact provided a rich source of usable information to the experienced player which was not utilized by the novice. In addition, the availability of visual cues at specific stages of the temporal sequencing was dependent on the type of offensive play being executed. These findings taken together highlight the importance of considering the interaction of visual information available from advance cue sources and the particular action being viewed.