selected publications academicarticle Christensen, B. E., Ege, M., Sharp, N. Y., & Wilks, T. J. (2024). What Do Public Company Audit Clients Want from Their Auditor? Wood, D. A., Achhpilia, M. P., Adams, M. T., Aghazadeh, S., Akinyele, K., Akpan, M., ... Zoet, E. (2023). The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: How Well Does It Answer Accounting Assessment Questions?. Issues in Accounting Education. 1-28. Ege, M., Nicoletti, A., & Stuber, S. B. (2023). Auditor Scrutiny and Bank Loan Portfolio Composition Boland, C. M., Ege, M. S., Harding, N., Hermanson, D. R., Prewett, K. W., & Pyzoha, J. S. (2023). Comments of the Auditing Standards Committee of the Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association on the PCAOBs A Firms System of Quality Control and Other Proposed Amendments to PCAOB Standards, Rules, and Forms. Current Issues in Auditing. 1-18. Ege, M., Kim, Y. H., & Wang, D. (2023). The Demand for Internal Auditors Following Accounting and Operational Failures. 98(7), 185-210. Ege, M., Seidel, T. A., Sterin, M., & Wood, D. A. (2022). The Influence of Management's Internal Audit Experience on Earnings Management. Contemporary Accounting Research. 39(3), 1834-1870. Ege, M. S., & Stuber, S. B. (2022). Are auditors rewarded for low audit quality? The case of auditor lenience in the insurance industry. Journal of Accounting. 73(1), 101424-101424. Ege, M., Kim, Y. H., & Wang, D. (2022). Audit Disruption: The Case of Outside Job Opportunities for External Auditors and Audit Quality. 41(4), 2546-2573. Ege, M., Wang, D., & Xu, N. (2022). The Consequences of Auditor Scandals: Evidence from Negative Big 4 Business Press Coverage Ege, M., Kim, Y. H., & Wang, D. (2021). Do PCAOB Inspections of Foreign Auditors Affect Global Financial Reporting Comparability?*. Contemporary Accounting Research. 38(4), 2659-2690. Schaefer, T. J., Brown, V. L., Ege, M. S., Harding, N., Hermanson, D. R., Higgs, J. L., Jenkins, J. G., & Smith, K. W. (2021). Comments by the Auditing Standards Committee of the Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association on the Discussion Paper: Fraud and Going Concern in an Audit of Financial Statements: Exploring the Differences between Public Perceptions about the Role of the Auditor and the Auditor's Responsibilities in a Financial Statement Audit. Current Issues in Auditing. 15(2), C1-C20. Ege, M. S., Hepfer, B. F., & Robinson, J. R. (2021). What Matters for In-House Tax Planning: Tax Function Power and Status. Accounting Review. 96(4), 203-232. Ege, M., Kim, Y. H., & Wang, D. (2021). Do PCAOB Inspections of Foreign Auditors Affect Global Financial Reporting Comparability? Baugh, M., Ege, M. S., & Yust, C. G. (2020). Internal Control Quality and Bank Risk-Taking and Performance. Auditing: a Journal of Practice and Theory. 40(2), 49-84. Ege, M., Glenn, J. L., & Robinson, J. R. (2020). Unexpected SEC Resource Constraints and Comment Letter Quality. 37(1), 33-67. Ege, M., Knechel, W. R., Lamoreaux, P. T., & Maksymov, E. (2020). A multi-method analysis of the PCAOB's relationship with the audit profession. Accounting, Organizations and Society. 84, 101131-101131. Ege, M. S., Kim, Y. H., & Wang, D. (2020). Do Global Audit Firm Networks Apply Consistent Audit Methodologies across Jurisdictions? Evidence from Financial Reporting Comparability. Accounting Review. 95(6), 151-179. Ege, M., Knechel, W. R., Lamoreaux, P. T., & Maksymov, E. (2020). Supplemental datasets for examination of the PCAOB's relationship with the audit profession in the United States. Data in Brief. 31, 105743-105743. Donelson, D. C., Ege, M., Imdieke, A. J., & Maksymov, E. (2020). Supplemental datasets for the examination of the revival of large consulting practices at the big 4 and audit quality. Data in Brief. 32, 106132-106132. Donelson, D. C., Ege, M., Imdieke, A. J., & Maksymov, E. (2020). The revival of large consulting practices at the Big 4 and audit quality. Accounting, Organizations and Society. 87, 101157-101157. Donelson, D. C., Ege, M. S., & Leiby, J. (2019). Audit Firm Reputational Consequences of Alleged Non-Accounting Misconduct by Clients: How Bargaining Power Temporarily Shifts Around Securities Litigation. Auditing: a Journal of Practice and Theory. 38(4), 77-100. Ege, M., Glenn, J. L., & Robinson, J. R. (2019). Unexpected SEC Resource Constraints and Comment Letter Quality Donelson, D. C., Ege, M. S., & McInnis, J. M. (2017). Internal Control Weaknesses and Financial Reporting Fraud. Auditing: a Journal of Practice and Theory. 36(3), 45-69. De Simone, L., Ege, M. S., & Stomberg, B. (2015). Internal Control Quality: The Role of Auditor-Provided Tax Services. Accounting Review. 90(4), 1469-1496. Ege, M. S. (2015). Does Internal Audit Function Quality Deter Management Misconduct?. Accounting Review. 90(2), 495-527. Badolato, P. G., Donelson, D. C., & Ege, M. (2014). Audit committee financial expertise and earnings management: The role of status. Journal of Accounting. 58(2-3), 208-230. Bierstaker, J., Chen, L., Christ, M. H., Ege, M., & Mintchik, N. (2013). Obtaining Assurance for Financial Statement Audits and Control Audits When Aspects of the Financial Reporting Process Are Outsourced. Auditing: a Journal of Practice and Theory. 32(Supplement 1), 209-250. Ege, M., Kartapanis, A., & Whipple, B. C. Audits of Non-GAAP Earnings: Evidence from Adjusted EBITDA in Segment Disclosures Ege, M., Wang, D., & Xu, N. The consequences of reputation-damaging events for Big Four auditors: evidence from 110 cases with media coverage between 2007 and 2019. Review of accounting studies. 1-56. institutional repository document Ege, M., Kim, Y. H., & Wang, D. (2022). The Demand for Internal Auditors Following Accounting and Operational Failures Ege, M., Wang, D., & Xu, N. (2021). The Consequences of Auditor Reputation Loss: Evidence from Negative Big 4 Business Press Coverage Ege, M., Seidel, T. A., Sterin, M., & Wood, D. A. (2020). The Influence of Managements Internal Audit Experience on Earnings Management Donelson, D. C., Ege, M., Imdieke, A., & Maksymov, E. (2020). The Revival of Large Consulting Practices at the Big 4 and Audit Quality Ege, M., Wang, D., & Xu, N. (2020). Does the Business Press Influence Equity Investors Perception of Big 4 Audit Quality? Ege, M., Kim, Y. H., & Wang, D. (2019). Do Global Audit Firm Networks Apply Consistent Audit Methodologies Across Jurisdictions? Evidence from Financial Reporting Comparability Ege, M., Kim, Y. H., & Wang, D. (2019). Do PCAOB Inspections of Foreign Auditors Improve Global Financial Reporting Comparability? Ege, M., Hepfer, B. F., & Robinson, J. R. (2019). Tax Function Influence: The Case of Power and Status Donelson, D. C., Ege, M., & Leiby, J. (2017). Audit Firm Reputational Consequences of Alleged Non-Accounting Misconduct by Clients: How Bargaining Power Temporarily Shifts Around Securities Litigation Ege, M., Knechel, W. R., Lamoreaux, P. T., & Maksymov, E. (2017). The Struggle for Authority Over the U.S. Audit Profession: An Analysis of the PCAOBs Inspection Findings and Auditors Responses Donelson, D. C., Ege, M., & McInnis, J. M. (2014). Internal Control Weaknesses and Financial Reporting Fraud Badolato, P., Donelson, D. C., & Ege, M. (2013). Audit Committee Financial Expertise and Earnings Management: The Role of Status Bierstaker, J. L., Chen, L., Christ, M. H., Ege, M., & Mintchik, N. M. (2012). Obtaining Assurance for Financial Statement Audits and Control Audits when Aspects of the Financial Reporting Process are Outsourced DeSimone, L., Ege, M., & Stomberg, B. (2012). Tax Internal Control Quality: The Role of Auditor-Provided Tax Services
teaching activities ACCT407 Auditing Instructor ACCT604 Auditing Instructor ACCT688 Doctoral Seminar Instructor ACCT691 Research Instructor
education and training Ph.D. in Accounting, The University of Texas at Austin - (Austin, Texas, United States) 2013 B.B.A. in Accounting, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2002 M.S. in Management Information Systems, Texas A&M University - (College Station, Texas, United States) 2002
awards and honors AAA/Deloitte Wildman Medal Award, conferred by American Accounting Association - (Sarasota, Florida, United States), 2023 Auditing Section-Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award, conferred by American Accounting Association - (Sarasota, Florida, United States), 2014