selected publications academicarticle Wang, Z., Behm, M., Persaud, P., Chen, X., & Carpenter, B. M. (2023). New insights on Moho depth and regional lithospheric structure of central Oklahoma based on receiver function analysis from dense seismic networks. Tectonophysics. 854, 229818-229818. Pennington, C. N., Wu, Q., Chen, X., & Abercrombie, R. E. (2023). Quantifying rupture characteristics of microearthquakes in the Parkfield Area using a high-resolution borehole network. Geophysical Journal International. 233(3), 1772-1785. Chen, X. (2023). Source parameter analysis using distributed acoustic sensing - an example with the PoroTomo array. Geophysical Journal International. 233(3), 2207-2213. Wang, Y., Zhao, Y., Jin, G. e., Chen, X., Zhan, G. e., Wang, B., & Zeng, X. (2023). Editorial: Advances and applications of distributed optical fiber sensing (DOFS) in multi-scales geoscience problems. Frontiers in Earth Science. 10, 1126105. Ogwari, P., Walter, J. I., Chen, X., Thiel, A., Ferrer, F., & Woelfel, I. (2022). Distinguishing Unique Earthquakes with Overlapping Signals in Oklahoma. Seismological Research Letters. 93(6), 3384-3395. Qin, Y., Chen, X., Chen, T., & Abercrombie, R. E. (2022). Influence of Fault Architecture on Induced Earthquake Sequence Evolution Revealed by High-Resolution Focal Mechanism Solutions. 127(11), Qin, Y., Chen, T., Ma, X., & Chen, X. (2022). Forecasting induced seismicity in Oklahoma using machine learning methods. Scientific Reports. 12(1), 9319. Zhang, J., Chen, X., & Abercrombie, R. E. (2022). Spatiotemporal Variability of Earthquake Source Parameters at Parkfield, California, and Their Relationship With the 2004 M6 Earthquake. 127(6), Pennington, C. N., Uchide, T., & Chen, X. (2022). Slip Characteristics of Induced Earthquakes: Insights From the 2015 Mw 4.0 Guthrie, Oklahoma Earthquake. 127(5), He, L., Wu, Q., Chen, X., Sun, X., Guo, Z., & Chen, Y. J. (2021). Detailed 3D Seismic Velocity Structure of the Prague, Oklahoma Fault Zone and the Implications for Induced Seismicity. 48(24), Abercrombie, R. E., Trugman, D. T., Shearer, P. M., Chen, X., Zhang, J., Pennington, C. N., ... Ruhl, C. J. (2021). Does Earthquake Stress Drop Increase With Depth in the Crust?. 126(10), Ortega-Romo, A. D., Walter, J. I., Chen, X., & Carpenter, B. M. (2021). Spatially Distinct Tectonic Zones across Oklahoma Inferred from Shear-Wave Splitting. Seismological Research Letters. 92(4), 2551-2561. Patel, S., Kolawole, F., Walter, J. I., Chen, X., & Marfurt, K. J. (2021). Seismic illumination of small-throw seismogenic faults, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma. Interpretation. 9(2), se35-se51. OrtegaRomo, A. D., & Chen, X. (2021). Spatiotemporal Clustering of Seismicity During the 2018 Kilauea Volcanic Eruption. 48(8), Pennington, C. N., Chen, X., Abercrombie, R. E., & Wu, Q. (2021). Cross Validation of Stress Drop Estimates and Interpretations for the 2011 Prague, OK, Earthquake Sequence Using Multiple Methods. 126(3), Abercrombie, R. E., Chen, X., & Zhang, J. (2020). Repeating Earthquakes With Remarkably Repeatable Ruptures on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield. 47(23), Deng, K., Liu, Y., & Chen, X. (2020). Correlation Between Poroelastic Stress Perturbation and Multidisposal Wells Induced Earthquake Sequence in Cushing, Oklahoma. 47(20), Chen, X., & Abercrombie, R. E. (2020). Improved approach for stress drop estimation and its application to an induced earthquake sequence in Oklahoma. Geophysical Journal International. 223(1), 233-253. Qin, Y., Chen, X., Walter, J. I., Haffener, J., Trugman, D. T., Carpenter, B. M., Weingarten, M., & Kolawole, F. (2019). Deciphering the Stress State of Seismogenic Faults in Oklahoma and Southern Kansas Based on an Improved Stress Map. 124(12), 12920-12934. Rosson, Z., Walter, J. I., Goebel, T., & Chen, X. (2019). Narrow Spatial Aftershock Zones for Induced Earthquake Sequences in Oklahoma. 46(17-18), 10358-10366. Zhai, G., Shirzaei, M., Manga, M., & Chen, X. (2019). Pore-pressure diffusion, enhanced by poroelastic stresses, controls induced seismicity in Oklahoma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116(33), 16228-16233. Wu, Q., Chen, X., & Abercrombie, R. E. (2019). Source Complexity of the 2015 Mw 4.0 Guthrie, Oklahoma Earthquake. 46(9), 4674-4684. Qin, Y., Chen, X., Carpenter, B. M., & Kolawole, F. (2018). Coulomb Stress Transfer Influences Fault Reactivation in Areas of Wastewater Injection. 45(20), 11-067. Haffener, J., Chen, X., & Murray, K. (2018). Multiscale Analysis of Spatiotemporal Relationship Between Injection and Seismicity in Oklahoma. 123(10), 8711-8731. Cheng, Y., & Chen, X. (2018). Characteristics of Seismicity inside and outside the Salton Sea Geothermal FieldCharacteristics of Seismicity inside and outside the Salton Sea Geothermal Field. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 108(4), 1877-1888. Wu, Q., Chapman, M., & Chen, X. (2018). StressDrop Variations of Induced Earthquakes in OklahomaStressDrop Variations of Induced Earthquakes in Oklahoma. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. 108(3A), 1107-1123. Chen, X., Haffener, J., Goebel, T., Meng, X., Peng, Z., & Chang, J. C. (2018). Temporal Correlation Between Seismic Moment and Injection Volume for an Induced Earthquake Sequence in Central Oklahoma. 123(4), 3047-3064. Pei, S., Peng, Z., & Chen, X. (2018). Locations of InjectionInduced Earthquakes in Oklahoma Controlled by Crustal Structures. 123(3), 2332-2344. Savage, H. M., Kirkpatrick, J. D., Mori, J. J., Brodsky, E. E., Ellsworth, W. L., Carpenter, B. M., ... Kano, Y. (2017). Scientific Exploration of Induced SeisMicity and Stress (SEISMS). Scientific Drilling. 23, 57-63. Goebel, T., Weingarten, M., Chen, X., Haffener, J., & Brodsky, E. E. (2017). The 2016 Mw5.1 Fairview, Oklahoma earthquakes: Evidence for long-range poroelastic triggering at >40 km from fluid disposal wells. 472, 50-61. Chen, X., Nakata, N., Pennington, C., Haffener, J., Chang, J. C., He, X., ... Walter, J. I. (2017). The Pawnee earthquake as a result of the interplay among injection, faults and foreshocks. Scientific Reports. 7(1), 4945. Pennington, C., & Chen, X. (2017). Coulomb Stress Interactions during the Mw5.8 Pawnee Sequence. Seismological Research Letters. 88(4), 1024-1031. Chen, X., & Nakata, N. (2017). Preface to the Focus Section on the 3 September 2016 Pawnee, Oklahoma, Earthquake. Seismological Research Letters. 88(4), 953-955. Zhang, Q., Lin, G., Zhan, Z., Chen, X., Qin, Y., & Wdowinski, S. (2017). Absence of remote earthquake triggering within the Coso and Salton Sea geothermal production fields. 44(2), 726-733. Chen, X., & McGuire, J. J. (2016). Measuring earthquake source parameters in the Mendocino triple junction region using a dense OBS array: Implications for fault strength variations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 453(Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 0012-821X 241 3–4), 276-287. Chen, X., & Shearer, P. M. (2016). Analysis of Foreshock Sequences in California and Implications for Earthquake Triggering. Pure and Applied Geophysics. 173(1), 133-152. Toomey, D. R., Allen, R. M., Barclay, A. H., Bell, S. W., Bromirski, P. D., Carlson, R. L., ... Wilcock, W. (2014). THE CASCADIA INITIATIVE A Sea Change In Seismological Studies of Subduction Zones. OCEANOGRAPHY. 27(2), 138-150. Chen, X., & Shearer, P. M. (2013). California foreshock sequences suggest aseismic triggering process. 40(11), 2602-2607. Hauksson, E., Stock, J., Bilham, R., Boese, M., Chen, X., Fielding, E. J., ... Yang, W. (2013). Report on the August 2012 Brawley Earthquake Swarm in Imperial Valley, Southern California. Seismological Research Letters. 84(2), 177-189. Chen, X., Shearer, P. M., & Abercrombie, R. E. (2012). Spatial migration of earthquakes within seismic clusters in Southern California: Evidence for fluid diffusion. 117(B4), Chen, X., & Shearer, P. M. (2011). Comprehensive analysis of earthquake source spectra and swarms in the Salton Trough, California. Journal of Geophysical Research. 116(B9), Chen, X., Shearer, P. M., Walter, F., & Fricker, H. A. (2011). Seventeen Antarctic seismic events detected by global surface waves and a possible link to calving events from satellite images. Journal of Geophysical Research. 116(B6), Chen, X., Zhai, G., Shirzaei, M., & Qin, Y. A decade of Oklahoma earthquakes: past, present and future Shearer, P. M., Vandevert, I., Fan, W., Abercrombie, R. E., Bindi, D., Calderoni, G., ... Zhang, J. Earthquake Source Spectra Estimates Vary Widely for Two Ridgecrest Aftershocks Because of Differences in Attenuation Corrections. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Chen, X., Abercrombie, R., & Wu, Q. Earthquake stress drop: what can we resolve from observations, and what can we infer about earthquake triggering processes Dangwal, D., Behm, M., Chen, X., & Soreghan, G. S. Imaging an Enigmatic Paleovalley with Passive Seismic Methods (Unaweep Canyon, Colorado, United States). 3(2), 116-124. Lpez-Comino, J., Galis, M., Mai, P. M., Chen, X., & Stich, D. Lateral migration patterns toward or away from injection wells for earthquake clusters in Oklahoma Cochran, E. S., Baltay, A., Chu, S., Abercrombie, R. E., Bindi, D., Chen, X., ... Trugman, D. T. SCEC/USGS Community Stress-Drop Validation Study: How Spectral Fitting Approaches Influence Measured Source Parameters. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. conference paper Chen, X., Pennington, C., Ng, R., Nakata, N., & Zhang, J. (2019). Source parameter analysis of microseismicity during hydraulic fracture: Pinning stress distributions within fracture zone. 2128-2132. Goebel, T., Aminzadeh, F., Haffener, J., & Chen, X. (2016). Statistical seismicity analysis methods for the detection of fault activation during fluid injection. 2087-2092. institutional repository document He, L., Wu, Q., Chen, X., Sun, X., Guo, Z., & Chen, Y. (2021). Detailed 3D Seismic Velocity Structure of the Prague, Oklahoma Fault Zone and the Implications for Induced Seismicity Zhang, J., Chen, X., & Abercrombie, R. E. (2021). Spatiotemporal variability of earthquake source parameters at Parkfield, California, and their relationship with the 2004 M6 earthquake Abercrombie, R. E., Trugman, D. T., Shearer, P. M., Chen, X., Zhang, J., Pennington, C., ... Ruhl, C. J. (2021). Does Earthquake Stress Drop Increase with Depth in the Crust? Abercrombie, R. E., Trugman, D. T., Shearer, P. M., Chen, X., Zhang, J., Pennington, C., ... Ruhl, C. J. (2021). Does Earthquake Stress Drop Increase with Depth in the Crust? Abercrombie, R. E., Chen, X., & Zhang, J. (2020). Repeating Earthquakes with Remarkably Repeatable Ruptures on the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield Pennington, C., Uchide, T., & Chen, X. (2020). Finite Fault Inversion of Mw4.1 and its Implications for Induced Earthquake Ruptures Lpez-Comino, J., galis, m., Mai, P. M., Chen, X., & Stich, D. Lateral migration patterns toward or away from injection wells for earthquake clusters in Oklahoma
teaching activities GEOL478 Earth Science Modeling Instructor GEOL678 Earth Science Modeling Instructor GEOP361 Geophysical Signal Processing Instructor GEOP421 Seismology Instructor GEOP485 Directed Studies Instructor GEOP489 Sptp: Induced Seismicity Instructor GEOP651 Theoretical Seismology Instructor GEOP685 Directed Studies Instructor GEOP689 Sptp: Geophysical Data Analysi Instructor GEOP691 Research Instructor