publication venue for
- Estimating montezuma quail hatch date using primary molt at harvest. 43:766-768. 2019
- Immunochromatographic Antibody Screening for Diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi in South Texas Meso-Mammals. 43:678-682. 2019
- Habitat Effects on Golden-cheeked Warbler Productivity in an Urban Landscape. 42:48-56. 2018
- Effects of Road Construction Noise on Golden-Cheeked Warblers: An Update. 41:240-248. 2017
- Simulated effects of releasing pen-raised deer into the wild to alter population-level antler size. 40:41-49. 2016
- A Life-cycle Analysis of Minority Underrepresentation in Natural Resource Fields. 39:228-238. 2015
- Presence-Only Species Distribution Models to Predict Suitability Over a Long-Term Study for a Species with a Growing Population. 39:218-224. 2015
- A Morphometric Sex Determination Model for Adult Greater Roadrunners (Geococcyx californianus). 38:837-841. 2014
- Does Human Predation Risk Affect Harvest Susceptibility of White-Tailed Deer During Hunting Season?. 38:797-805. 2014
- Impact of Gate Width of Corral Traps in Potential Wild Pig Trapping Success. 38:892-895. 2014
- Effects of a Forest Pathogen on Habitat Selection and Quality for the Endangered Golden-Cheeked Warbler. 38:279-287. 2014
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Oak Wilt in Golden-Cheeked Warbler Habitat. 38:288-296. 2014
- Accuracy and Implications of Visually Estimating Age of Male White-tailed Deer Using Physical Characteristics from Photographs. 38:96-102. 2014
- Comparison of Systematic Roost Searches and Acoustic Detection to Determine Occupancy of Rare Forest Bats. 38:103-110. 2014
- Managing Brown-Headed Cowbirds to Sustain Abundance of Black-Capped Vireos. 37:281-286. 2013
- Spatially Explicit Analysis of Poaching Activity as a Conservation Management Tool. 36:685-692. 2012
- Introduction to the Special Section on Golden-Cheeked Warbler Conservation. 36:400-400. 2012
- Species Conservation at a Broad Spatial Scale: Reproductive Success of Golden-Cheeked Warblers Across Their Breeding Range. 36:440-449. 2012
- The Prevailing Paradigm as a Hindrance to Conservation. 36:408-414. 2012
- Using Impact Assessment Study Designs for Addressing Impacts to Species of Conservation Concern. 36:450-456. 2012
- Utilization of a Species Occupancy Model for Management and Conservation. 36:432-439. 2012
- Canopy Characteristics Affect Reproductive Success of Golden-Cheeked Warblers. 36:54-60. 2012
- Long-Term Effectiveness of US 1 Crossing Project in Reducing Florida Key Deer Mortality. 35:296-302. 2011
- Design of an Underwater Telemetry Antenna for Locating and Retrieving Submerged Radiocollars. 35:101-104. 2011
- Effects of Road Construction Noise on the Endangered Golden-Cheeked Warbler. 35:15-19. 2011
- Effects of SpayVac (R) on urban female white-tailed deer movements. 34:1430-1434. 2006
- Rapid whole genome amplification of DNA from felids: Applications for conservation genetics. 34:1134-1141. 2006
- Evaluation of portable infrared cameras for detecting Rio Grande wild turkeys. 34:839-844. 2006
- Understanding and improving attitudinal research in wildlife sciences. 34:537-541. 2006
- Estimating bobcat abundance using automatically triggered cameras. 34:69-73. 2006
- Integrating land conservation planning in the classroom. 34:223-228. 2006
- From the field: Use of drift fences to capture Lower Keys marsh rabbits. 33:1160-1163. 2005
- Integrating on-campus wildlife research projects into the wildlife curriculum. 33:802-809. 2005
- Changing Hispanic demographics: challenges in natural resource management. 33:553-564. 2005
- From the field: Changes in ranges of Florida Key deer - does population density matter?. 33:343-348. 2005
- Evaluating capture methods for urban white-tailed deer. 31:1176-1187. 2003
- Evaluation of deer-exclusion grates in urban areas. 31:1198-1204. 2003
- Using automatically triggered cameras to individually identify bobcats. 31:748-755. 2003
- Comparison of success between actual northern bobwhite and wild turkey nests and simulated nests. 29:1212-1218. 2001
- Rigor in wildlife education: where the rubber hits the road. 29:1038-1042. 2001
- Nocturnal Movements and Habitat Selection of Mesopredators Encountering Bobwhite Nests. 39:138-146.
- Vaginal Implant Transmitters for Continuous Body Temperature Measurement in Moose. 42:321-327.
- Portable drive-net for capturing urban white-tailed deer 2004
- Federal listing of prairie grouse: lessons from the Attwater's prairie-chicken 2004
- Introduction: Management of imperiled prairie grouse species and their habitat 2004