publication venue for
- Autofluorescence is a biomarker of neural stem cell activation state.. 31:570-581.e7. 2024
- Sliced Human Cortical Organoids for Modeling Distinct Cortical Layer Formation.. 26:766-781.e9. 2020
- Restricted Hematopoietic Progenitors and Erythropoiesis Require SCF from Leptin Receptor+ Niche Cells in the Bone Marrow.. 24:477-486.e6. 2019
- Leptin-receptor-expressing mesenchymal stromal cells represent the main source of bone formed by adult bone marrow.. 15:154-168. 2014
- Stage-specific roles for tet1 and tet2 in DNA demethylation in primordial germ cells.. 12:470-478. 2013
- Strategies for improving animal models for regenerative medicine.. 12:271-274. 2013
- Preactivation of human MSCs with TNF- enhances tumor-suppressive activity.. 11:825-835. 2012
- Stem cells in the face: tooth regeneration and beyond.. 11:291-301. 2012
- The PSA(-/lo) prostate cancer cell population harbors self-renewing long-term tumor-propagating cells that resist castration.. 10:556-569. 2012
- Tet1 and Tet2 regulate 5-hydroxymethylcytosine production and cell lineage specification in mouse embryonic stem cells.. 8:200-213. 2011
- Multiple epigenetic modifiers induce aggressive viral extinction in extraembryonic endoderm stem cells.. 6:457-467. 2010
- Intravenous hMSCs improve myocardial infarction in mice because cells embolized in lung are activated to secrete the anti-inflammatory protein TSG-6.. 5:54-63. 2009