An evaluative study of the United States Cooperative Extension service's role in bridging the digital divide uri icon


  • "Raising the level of digital inclusion by increasing the number of Americans using the technology tools of the digital age is a vitally important national goal" (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2000). The study reported here focused on Extension administrators throughout the United States to gauge their opinion concerning the role of Extension in bridging the digital divide. It was found that a perceived digital divide existed. Extension administrators expressed that Extension was an adequate mechanism to combat this societal dilemma. Recommendations included establishing strategic partnerships with local community groups to provide technology access and training for residents. Copyright by Extension Journal, Inc.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Extension

author list (cited authors)

  • Elbert, C. D., & Alston, A. J.

complete list of authors

  • Elbert, CD||Alston, AJ

publication date

  • October 2005