Facilitating the adoption of an online conferencing system - A recipe for success uri icon


  • The adoption of an Online Conferencing System by Texas Cooperative Extension has provided a way to meet challenges of geographic distance, time, and resource limitations in providing professional development. Implementation of specific steps throughout the diffusion of online conferencing has proved to greatly reduce the inherent technology intimidation that can exist with the adoption of new technologies. While the use of Online Conferencing Systems offer new and innovative ways to meet needs while reducing travel time and cost, implementing and gaining acceptance of this technology requires purposeful and planned efforts. Copyright by Extension Journal, Inc.

published proceedings

  • Journal of Extension

author list (cited authors)

  • Murphrey, T. P., & Coppernoll, S.

complete list of authors

  • Murphrey, TP||Coppernoll, S

publication date

  • July 2006