The mammalian blastema: regeneration at our fingertips. uri icon


  • In the mouse, digit tip regeneration progresses through a series of discrete stages that include inflammation, histolysis, epidermal closure, blastema formation, and redifferentiation. Recent studies reveal how each regenerative stage influences subsequent stages to establish a blastema that directs the successful regeneration of a complex mammalian structure. The focus of this review is on early events of healing and how an amputation wound transitions into a functional blastema. The stepwise formation of a mammalian blastema is proposed to provide a model for how specific targeted treatments can enhance regenerative performance in humans.

published proceedings

  • Regeneration (Oxf)

altmetric score

  • 1

author list (cited authors)

  • Simkin, J., Sammarco, M. C., Dawson, L. A., Schanes, P. P., Yu, L., & Muneoka, K.

citation count

  • 54

complete list of authors

  • Simkin, Jennifer||Sammarco, Mimi C||Dawson, Lindsay A||Schanes, Paula P||Yu, Ling||Muneoka, Ken

publication date

  • June 2015
