publication venue for
- Environmental Response in Coupled Energy and Water Cloud Impact Parameters Derived from A-Train Satellites, ERA-Interim, and MERRA-2. 61:261-276. 2022
- The Role of Cloud Size and Environmental Moisture in Shallow Cumulus Precipitation. 59:535-550. 2020
- Atmospheric Motion Vectors Derived from an Infrared Window Channel of a Geostationary Satellite Using Particle Image Velocimetry. 58:199-211. 2019
- Using Lomb-Scargle Analysis to Derive Empirical Orthogonal Functions from Gappy Meteorological Data. 57:2217-2229. 2018
- Is the Awareness of the Aerosol State Useful in Predicting Enhanced Lightning for Lightning-Producing Storms over Northern Alabama?. 57:1663-1681. 2018
- A Retrieval of Tropical Latent Heating Using the 3D Structure of Precipitation Features. 55:1965-1982. 2016
- A Statistical Method for Categorical Drought Prediction Based on NLDAS-2. 55:1049-1061. 2016
- Tropopause-Penetrating Convection from Three-Dimensional Gridded NEXRAD Data. 55:465-478. 2016
- Development of a GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager Solar Channel Radiance Simulator for Ice Clouds. 52:872-888. 2013
- Retrieval of Ice Cloud Properties from AIRS and MODIS Observations Based on a Fast High-Spectral-Resolution Radiative Transfer Model. 52:710-726. 2013
- Human Energy Budget Modeling in Urban Parks in Toronto and Applications to Emergency Heat Stress Preparedness. 51:1639-1653. 2012
- Study of Horizontally Oriented Ice Crystals with CALIPSO Observations and Comparison with Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Simulations. 51:1426-1439. 2012
- The Use of a High-Resolution Standardized Precipitation Index for Drought Monitoring and Assessment. 51:68-83. 2012
- Retrieval of Ice Cloud Optical Thickness and Effective Particle Size Using a Fast Infrared Radiative Transfer Model. 50:2283-2297. 2011
- Study of the Impact of Summer Monsoon Circulation on Spatial Distribution of Aerosols in East Asia Based on Numerical Simulations. 50:2270-2282. 2011
- A New Homogenized Climate Division Precipitation Dataset for Analysis of Climate Variability and Climate Change. 50:1187-1199. 2011
- Improvements in Shortwave Bulk Scattering and Absorption Models for the Remote Sensing of Ice Clouds. 50:1037-1056. 2011
- Influence of Indian Summer Monsoon on Aerosol Loading in East Asia. 50:523-533. 2011
- Multilayer Cloud Detection with the MODIS Near-Infrared Water Vapor Absorption Band. 49:2315-2333. 2010
- Evaluation of Three Planetary Boundary Layer Schemes in the WRF Model. 49:1831-1844. 2010
- Exploration of the MODIS Cloud-Top Property Products for the Investigation of Equatorial Wave Systems. 49:2050-2057. 2010
- A Combined Multisensor Optimal Estimation Retrieval Algorithm for Oceanic Warm Rain Clouds. 48:2242-2256. 2009
- Possibility of the Visible-Channel Calibration Using Deep Convective Clouds Overshooting the TTL. 48:2271-2283. 2009
- Application of CALIOP Measurements to the Evaluation of Cloud Phase Derived from MODIS Infrared Channels. 48:2169-2180. 2009
- On the Consequences of Resampling Microwave Radiometer Observations for Use in Retrieval Algorithms. 48:1981-1993. 2009
- A Comparison of Oceanic Precipitation Estimates in the Tropics and Subtropics. 48:1335-1344. 2009
- Lake-Effect Thunderstorms in the Lower Great Lakes. 48:889-902. 2009
- Influence of Cloud-Top Height and Geometric Thickness on a MODIS Infrared-Based Ice Cloud Retrieval. 48:818-832. 2009
- Sensitivity of Thermal Infrared Radiation at the Top of the Atmosphere and the Surface to Ice Cloud Microphysics. 47:2545-2560. 2008
- Effect of cavities on the optical properties of bullet rosettes: Implications for active and passive remote sensing of ice cloud properties. 47:2311-2330. 2008
- The vertical profile of liquid and ice water content in midlatitude mixed-phase altocumulus clouds. 47:2487-2495. 2008
- High cloud properties from three years of MODIS Terra and Aqua collection-4 data over the Tropics. 46:1840-1856. 2007
- Bulk scattering properties for the remote sensing of ice clouds. Part III: High-resolution spectral models from 100 to 3250 cm(-1). 46:423-434. 2007