New host records for Bathypalaemonella serratipalma (Caridea: Bathypalaemonellidae) in the northern Gulf of Mexico uri icon


  • The caridean shrimpBathypalaemonella serratipalmawas photographed by a remotely operated vehicle at 11202223m in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The shrimp was living on previously unreported host cnidarians of the families Isididae and Alcyoniidae, and a black coral (Antipatharia), as well as previously reported gorgonian hosts (ChrysogorgiaandIridogorgiaspp.). We did not observe interactions betweenB. serratipalmaand other invertebrates living on these hosts, nor did the shrimp occur on the same host cnidarians as the anomuransUroptychus nitidusorEumunida picta.

published proceedings

  • Marine Biodiversity Records

author list (cited authors)

  • Wicksten, M. K., & Heathman, T.

citation count

  • 1

complete list of authors

  • Wicksten, Mary K||Heathman, Tommy

publication date

  • April 2015