Artificial insemination and preservation of semen. uri icon


  • Artificial insemination is an effective technique for improving utilization of stallions in breeding programs. When proper semen handling and insemination procedures are used, optimal pregnancy rates are attainable. When AI techniques are employed for mares and stallions with marginal fertility, pregnancy rates may be improved in comparison with natural mating. Preservation of stallion semen in the liquid or frozen state reduces the costs and potential health hazards incurred by transporting mares and provides easier access to genetic material that may otherwise be unavailable. Acceptable pregnancy rates are consistently obtained with cooled semen. Conversely, techniques for cryopreservation of stallion semen will require more refinement before the procedure can be considered commercially viable on a wide scale.

published proceedings

  • Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract

altmetric score

  • 3

author list (cited authors)

  • Brinsko, S. P., & Varner, D. D.

citation count

  • 36

complete list of authors

  • Brinsko, SP||Varner, DD

publication date

  • January 1992