Cyanide bioremediation: the potential of engineered nitrilases. uri icon


  • The cyanide-degrading nitrilases are of notable interest for their potential to remediate cyanide contaminated waste streams, especially as generated in the gold mining, pharmaceutical, and electroplating industries. This review provides a brief overview of cyanide remediation in general but with a particular focus on the cyanide-degrading nitrilases. These are of special interest as the hydrolysis reaction does not require secondary substrates or cofactors, making these enzymes particularly good candidates for industrial remediation processes. The genetic approaches that have been used to date for engineering improved enzymes are described; however, recent structural insights provide a promising new approach.

published proceedings

  • Appl Microbiol Biotechnol

author list (cited authors)

  • Park, J. M., Trevor Sewell, B., & Benedik, M. J.

complete list of authors

  • Park, Jason M||Trevor Sewell, B||Benedik, Michael J