faculty position
- Allen, David, Senior Lecturer
- Chen, Hamn-Ching, Professor
- Cordes, Laurrie, Assistant Lecturer
- Darbha, Swaroop, Professor (Courtesy)
- Duran Vinent, Orencio, Assistant Professor
- Duran Vinent, Orencio, Research Assistant Professor - Term Appointment
- Elshorbagy, Walid, Instructional Professor
- Falzarano, Jeffrey, Professor
- Figlus, Jens, Associate Professor
- Furth, Mirjam, Assistant Professor
- Girimaji, Sharath, Professor and Head
- Horrillo, Juan, Associate Professor
- Kaihatu, James, Professor (Courtesy)
- Kang, Heonyong, Assistant Professor
- Kim, Moohyun, Professor
- Koola, Paul, Professor of the Practice
- Medina-Cetina, Zenon, Associate Professor
- Panchang, Vijaykumar, Professor
- Paredes Tobar, Lenin, Assistant Professor
- Parihar, Arun, Lecturer
- Randall, Robert, Professor
- Randall, Robert, Professor Emeritus
- Shaw, Surupa, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Socolofsky, Scott, Professor
- Sweetman, Bert, Professor
- Thomas, Naveen, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Winden, Bjorn, Research Assistant Professor
- Witherden, Freddie, Assistant Professor
- Wood, Amanda, Instructional Assistant Professor
- Xu, Chang, Research Assistant Professor