Designing and creating centralized and sharable reading lists: Using LibGuides collaboratively uri icon


  • Clinical veterinarians often pursue earning specialty credentials in a medical subject or technique similar to human medical specialties. These specializations have requirements beyond the doctor of veterinary medicine degree and are generally granted after a qualification examination. Most examinations have a recommended study reading list. Four librarians and a staff member representing four U. S. institutions used Lib-Guides1 as both a collaborative tool and a platform to centralize these reading lists and provide other institutions opportunity for local importation and customization. The team created a master list of materials in a template so librarians at other institutions can copy the templates to their LibGuides 12 or LibGuides 23 and customize with their local holdings. Additionally, librarians with collection development responsibilities in these areas can consult the lists to help with collection development. This article discusses the technical aspects of the project, which would easily transfer to other collaborative projects.

published proceedings

  • College and Research Libraries News

author list (cited authors)

  • Rey, L. M., Page, J. R., Moberly, H. K., & Viera, A

citation count

  • 1

complete list of authors

  • Rey, LM||Page, JR||Moberly, HK||Viera, A

publication date

  • October 2015