selected publications academicarticle Rey, L. M., Page, J. R., Moberly, H. K., & Viera, A (2015). Designing and creating centralized and sharable reading lists: Using LibGuides collaboratively. College and Research Libraries News. 76(9), 497-501. Rey, L., Croft, V., Whitaker, S., & Stephens, G. (2015). Impacting Librarianship and Veterinary Medicine: History of the Veterinary Medical Libraries Section of the Medical Library Association from 1974 to 2014. Journal of Agricultural and Food Information. 16(3), 253-270. Rey, L. M., Croft, V. F., Williams, M., & Boyd, C. T. (2013). A History of the International Conference of Animal Health Information Specialists (ICAHIS) and its Partnership in One Health. Journal of Agricultural and Food Information. 14(2), 151-163. conference paper Rey, L. M (2019). Veterinary disasters and zoonoses
education and training M.S. in Library & Information Science, University of North Texas - (Denton, Texas, United States) 2020 B.A. in Journalism & Broadcasting, Oklahoma State University - (Stillwater, Oklahoma, United States) 2010