publication venue for
- Building a Multi-Format Graduate Student Information Literacy Program. 59:156-160. 2021
- Information Literacy and Instruction: Backward Design: A Must-Have Library Instructional Design Strategy for Your Pedagogical and Teaching Toolbox. 59:107-112. 2020
- Information literacy & instruction: LibGuides for instruction. 56:162-167. 2017
- Information Literacy and Instruction: How Can This Column Help You?. 56:75-76. 2017
- Information Literacy and Instruction: Scaling Instruction to Needs: Updating an Online Information Literacy Course. 56:17-22. 2016
- Arcane Magic Hal Hall and the Creation and Transformation of Science Fiction Indexing. 53:51-59. 2013
- International Interlibrary Loan: An Assessment of Current Barriers. 49:55-64. 2009
- Uncovering Black Feminist Writers 1963-90 An Evaluation of Their Coverage in Research Tools. 48:270-286. 2009
- Cyberspace or face-to-face: The teachable moment and changing reference mediums. 47:242-255. 2008
- It's all in the marketing: The impact of a virtual reference marketing campaign at Texas A&M University. 47:375-385. 2008