publication venue for
- Power Allocation Optimization and Decoding Order Selection in Uplink C-NOMA Networks. 27:352-356. 2023
- Analysis of Receiver IQ-Imbalance in IM-OFDMA Uplink Systems. 26:917-921. 2022
- Errors and Erasures Decoding of Product Codes for Optical Transport Networks. 25:2482-2486. 2021
- Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted Coordinated Multipoint in Downlink NOMA Networks. 25:632-636. 2021
- Wideband Modeling of the Mud-Pulse Communications Channel. 25:18-22. 2021
- Exploiting Antenna Diversity to Enhance Hybrid Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access. 24:2936-2940. 2020
- Rotated Color Shift Keying for Visible Light Communications With Signal-Dependent Noise. 24:844-848. 2020
- Probabilities of False Alarm and Detection for the First-Order Cyclostationarity Test: Application to Modulation Classification. 24:57-61. 2020
- Raptor Codes With Descending Order Degrees for AWGN Channels. 24:29-33. 2020
- Quadrature Index Modulation Based Multiple Access Scheme for 5G and Beyond. 23:2257-2261. 2019
- Distance-Range-Oriented Constellation Design for VLC-SCMA Downlink With Signal-Dependent Noise. 23:434-437. 2019
- Optimal Caching and Scheduling for Cache-Enabled D2D Communications. 21:1155-1158. 2017
- A MinorizationMaximization Algorithm for Maximizing the Secrecy Rate of the MIMOME Wiretap Channel. 21:520-523. 2017
- Performance Improvement of JSCC Scheme Through Redesigning Channel Code. 20:1088-1091. 2016
- Performance Analysis of Physical Layer Security Over Generalized-K Fading Channels Using a Mixture Gamma Distribution. 20:408-411. 2016
- Matching Criterion Between Source Statistics and Source Coding Rate. 19:1504-1507. 2015
- Performance Analysis of Space Shift Keying Modulation With Imperfect Estimation in the Presence of Co-Channel Interference. 18:1587-1590. 2014
- Space Shift Keying MIMO System Under Spectrum Sharing Environments in Rayleigh Fading. 18:1503-1506. 2014
- A Variational Approach for Assessing the Capacity of a Memoryless Nonlinear MIMO Channel. 18:1315-1318. 2014
- Outage Analysis of Spectrum Sharing Cognitive DF Relay Networks Using Outdated CSI. 17:2272-2275. 2013
- On Multiple Users Scheduling Using Superposition Coding over Rayleigh Fading Channels. 17:733-736. 2013
- Outage Analysis of N-th-Best DF Relay Systems in the Presence of CCI over Rayleigh Fading Channels. 17:697-700. 2013
- Cognitive Radio Networks with Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding and Multiuser Diversity. 17:685-688. 2013
- On the Capacity of Two-Hop AF Relaying in the Presence of Interference Under Nakagami-m Fading. 17:19-22. 2013
- Exact Outage Analysis of Dual-Hop Fixed-Gain AF Relaying with CCI under Dissimilar Nakagami-m Fading. 16:1756-1759. 2012
- A Probabilistic Model of Spectrum Availability for OFDMA Based Cognitive Radio Systems. 16:1780-1783. 2012
- A Density Evolution Based Framework for Dirty-Paper Code Design Using TCQ and Multilevel LDPC Codes. 16:1544-1547. 2012
- Power Adaptation for Joint Switched Diversity and Adaptive Modulation Schemes in Spectrum Sharing Systems. 16:1482-1485. 2012
- On the Performance of Spectrum Sharing Systems with Two-Way Relaying and Multiuser Diversity. 16:1240-1243. 2012
- Stability Outage Analysis for LDPC Codes. 15:1231-1233. 2011
- A Cross-Layer Framework for Multi-Layer-Video Multicast with QoS Requirements in Multirate Wireless Networks. 13:658-660. 2009
- Impact of delayed arbitrary transmit antenna selection on the performance of rectangular QAM with receive MRC in fading channels. 13:390-392. 2009
- Spatial modulation: optimal detection and performance analysis. 12:545-547. 2008
- Approaching the outage probability of the amplify-and-forward relay fading channel. 11:808-810. 2007
- Average Error Performance of M-ary Modulation Schemes in Nakagami-q (Hoyt) Fading Channels. 11:255-257. 2007
- Average SEP of Rectangular QAM in Rayleigh Fading with GSC. 11:492-494. 2007
- Simple Analysis for Average BER of Orthogonal Signals in Nonidentical Rician Channels with Improved-Gain Noncoherent Diversity Reception. 11:337-339. 2007
- A decision feedback based scheme for Slepian-Wolf coding of sources with Hidden Markov correlation. 10:378-380. 2006
- Data-aided channel estimation for turbo-PIC MIMO detectors. 10:350-352. 2006
- Closed form expression for the error performance of noncoherent M-ary orthogonal signals over multi-branch Rayleigh fading channels with arbitrary average fading powers. 10:661-663. 2006
- Data-aided channel estimation for turbo-PIC MIMO detectors. 10:350-352. 2006
- Improved-performance noncoherent weighted-coefficients diversity combiner for DPSK and NC-FSK signals in nonidentical Nakagami fading channels. 10:281-283. 2006
- Steady state distribution for stochastic knapsack with bursty arrivals. 9:187-189. 2005
- Iterative soft decoding of Reed-Solomon codes. 8:244-246. 2004
- Low-complexity feedforward symbol timing estimator using conditional maximum-likelihood principle. 8:168-170. 2004
- Adaptive marking for assured forwarding service. 6:461-463. 2002
- Compression of binary sources with side information at the decoder using LDPC codes. 6:440-442. 2002
- A distributed source coding technique for correlated images using turbo-codes. 6:379-381. 2002
- Improved upper bounds on error probability for biorthogonal trellis-coded CDMA systems. 6:361-363. 2002
- A space-time block-coded OFDM scheme for unknown frequency-selective fading channels. 5:393-395. 2001
- Parallel decoding of turbo codes using soft output T-algorithms. 5:352-354. 2001
- An iterative receiver for turbo-coded pilot-assisted modulation in fading channels. 5:145-147. 2001
- On asymptotically optimum rate 1/n convolutional codes for a given constraint length. 5:25-27. 2001
- Power control algorithm for MMSE receiver based CDMA systems. 4:346-348. 2000
- Forward error correction of FSK alphabets for noncoherent transmissions over AWGN channel. 4:318-320. 2000
- Selective Serial Concatenation of Turbo Codes. 1:136-139. 1997
- A Novel ARQ Technique using the Turbo Coding Principle. 1:49-51. 1997
- Multiple symbol differential detection for trellis-coded MPSK over Rayleigh fading channels. 1:2-4. 1997
- Coding Overhead Analysis of Decentralized Coded Caching. 26:254-258.
- Coordinated and Non-Coordinated Direct-and-Relay Transmission: A Signal Space Diversity Approach. 25:1825-1829.