publication venue for
- Can two wrongs make a right? The buffering effect of retaliation on subordinate well-being following abusive supervision.. 27:37-52. 2022
- Your job is messing with mine! The impact of mobile device use for work during family time on the spouse's work life.. 23:471-482. 2018
- A short and valid measure of work-family enrichment.. 19:32-45. 2014
- Racial/ethnic harassment and discrimination, its antecedents, and its effect on job-related outcomes.. 17:65-78. 2012
- Work-family enrichment and job performance: a constructive replication of affective events theory.. 16:297-312. 2011
- Is it better to receive than to give? Empathy in the conflict-distress relationship.. 15:304-315. 2010
- The moderating effects of personal reputation on accountability-strain relationships.. 14:70-83. 2009
- Sex and ethnicity as moderators in the sexual harassment phenomenon: a revision and test of Fitzgerald et al. (1994).. 13:152-167. 2008
- "Ex" marks a spot: the stickiness of dirty work and other removed stigmas.. 12:251-265. 2007
- Racial and ethnic harassment and discrimination: in the eye of the beholder?. 12:144-160. 2007
- Political skill: an antidote in the role overload-strain relationship.. 10:239-250. 2005
- Race as a moderator in a model of sexual harassment: an empirical test.. 8:131-145. 2003
- Is It Better to Receive Than To Give? Empathy in the Conflict-Distress Relationship 2010