publication venue for
- Random interval schedule of reinforcement influences punishment resistance for cocaine in rats.. 213:107961-107961. 2024
- Improving consolidation by applying anodal transcranial direct current stimulation at primary motor cortex during repetitive practice.. 178:107365-107365. 2021
- Neural systems and the emotion-memory link.. 185:107503-107503. 2021
- NMDA receptors in the CeA and BNST differentially regulate fear conditioning to predictable and unpredictable threats.. 174:107281-107281. 2020
- Threat imminence dictates the role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in contextual fear.. 167:107116-107116. 2020
- Metaplasticity within the spinal cord: Evidence brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and alterations in GABA function (ionic plasticity) modulate pain and the capacity to learn.. 154:121-135. 2018
- The role of the dorsal striatum in extinction: A memory systems perspective.. 150:48-55. 2018
- Extinction after fear memory reactivation fails to eliminate renewal in rats.. 142:41-47. 2017
- Extinction after fear memory reactivation fails to eliminate renewal in rats. 142:41-47. 2017
- Renewal of extinguished fear activates ventral hippocampal neurons projecting to the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices in rats.. 134 Pt A:38-43. 2016
- Revisiting propranolol and PTSD: Memory erasure or extinction enhancement?. 130:26-33. 2016
- The dorsolateral striatum selectively mediates extinction of habit memory.. 136:54-62. 2016
- The influence of cannabinoids on learning and memory processes of the dorsal striatum.. 125:1-14. 2015
- Cannabinoid modulation of prefrontal-limbic activation during fear extinction learning and recall in humans.. 113:125-134. 2014
- Nature and causes of the immediate extinction deficit: a brief review.. 113:19-24. 2014
- Exposure to predator odor influences the relative use of multiple memory systems: role of basolateral amygdala.. 109:56-61. 2014
- Fear of the unexpected: hippocampus mediates novelty-induced return of extinguished fear in rats.. 108:88-95. 2014
- Habit learning and memory in mammals: behavioral and neural characteristics.. 114:198-208. 2014
- Learning from the spinal cord: how the study of spinal cord plasticity informs our view of learning.. 108:155-171. 2014
- Unconditioned freezing is enhanced in an appetitive context: implications for the contextual dependency of unconditioned fear.. 97:386-392. 2012
- The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is required for the expression of contextual but not auditory freezing in rats with basolateral amygdala lesions.. 95:199-205. 2011
- Glutamate receptors in the medial geniculate nucleus are necessary for expression and extinction of conditioned fear in rats.. 92:581-589. 2009
- Neonatal amphetamine exposure and hippocampus-mediated behaviors.. 91:207-217. 2009
- Medial prefrontal cortex infusions of bupivacaine or AP-5 block extinction of amphetamine conditioned place preference.. 89:504-512. 2008
- Long-term effects of prior cocaine exposure on Morris water maze performance.. 89:185-191. 2008
- Intra-amygdala anxiogenic drug infusion prior to retrieval biases rats towards the use of habit memory.. 90:616-623. 2008
- Opioid regulation of spinal cord plasticity: evidence the kappa-2 opioid receptor agonist GR89696 inhibits learning within the rat spinal cord.. 89:1-16. 2008
- Evidence of a role for multiple memory systems in behavioral extinction.. 85:289-299. 2006
- Differential induction of c-Jun and Fos-like proteins in rat hippocampus and dorsal striatum after training in two water maze tasks.. 84:75-84. 2005
- Amygdala and "emotional" modulation of the relative use of multiple memory systems.. 82:243-252. 2004
- Instrumental learning within the spinal cord: III. Prior exposure to noncontingent shock induces a behavioral deficit that is blocked by an opioid antagonist.. 82:35-51. 2004
- Is there savings for pavlovian fear conditioning after neurotoxic basolateral amygdala lesions in rats?. 76:268-283. 2001
- Differential interaction of platelet-activating factor and NMDA receptor function in hippocampal and dorsal striatal memory processes.. 75:310-324. 2001
- Amygdala modulation of multiple memory systems: hippocampus and caudate-putamen.. 69:163-203. 1998
- Effects of posttraining intrahippocampal injections of platelet-activating factor and PAF antagonists on memory.. 70:349-363. 1998
- Physostigmine's impact on brief shock-induced hypoalgesia parallels its effect on memory.. 70:374-387. 1998
- Posttraining estradiol injections enhance memory in ovariectomized rats: cholinergic blockade and synergism.. 68:172-188. 1997
- Electrolytic lesions of the fimbria/fornix, dorsal hippocampus, or entorhinal cortex produce anterograde deficits in contextual fear conditioning in rats.. 67:142-149. 1997
- Evidence for spinal conditioning in intact rats.. 67:64-68. 1997
- Posttraining injections of MK-801 produce a time-dependent impairment of memory in two water maze tasks.. 68:42-50. 1997
- Effects of intrastriatal injections of platelet-activating factor and the PAF antagonist BN 52021 on memory.. 66:176-182. 1996
- Scopolamine selectively disrupts the acquisition of contextual fear conditioning in rats.. 64:191-194. 1995
- Properties and mechanisms of long-term synaptic plasticity in the mammalian brain: relationships to learning and memory.. 63:1-18. 1995
- Inactivation of hippocampus or caudate nucleus with lidocaine differentially affects expression of place and response learning.. 65:65-72.
- Stria terminalis lesions attenuate memory enhancement produced by intracaudate nucleus injections of oxotremorine.. 65:278-282.