publication venue for
- Development of an Inconsistent Responding Scale for the HEXACO Personality Inventory-Revised.. 10731911231157620-107319112311576. 2023
- A Comparison of Two Five-Factor Model Operationalizations of the Triarchic Model of Psychopathy in a Clinical Sample.. 29:1496-1506. 2022
- Developing Preliminary Scales for Assessing the HiTOP Detachment Spectrum.. 29:75-87. 2022
- The Big Five Inventory-2 in China: A Comprehensive Psychometric Evaluation in Four Diverse Samples.. 10731911211008245-107319112110082. 2021
- Quantifying Dispositional Fear as Threat Sensitivity: Development and Initial Validation of a Model-Based Scale Measure.. 27:533-546. 2020
- Properties of the Continuous Assessment of Interpersonal Dynamics Across Sex, Level of Familiarity, and Interpersonal Conflict.. 27:40-56. 2020
- Who Are the Turkers? A Characterization of MTurk Workers Using the Personality Assessment Inventory.. 26:759-766. 2019
- Detecting Inconsistent Responding on the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory-Short Form.. 26:465-478. 2019
- Psychopathy in a Multiethnic World: Investigating Multiple Measures of Psychopathy in Hispanic, African American, and Caucasian Offenders.. 25:206-221. 2018
- Using the Personality Assessment Inventory Antisocial and Borderline Features Scales to Predict Behavior Change: A Multisite Longitudinal Study of Youthful Offenders.. 25:858-866. 2018
- Convergence of Self-Reports and Informant Reports on the Personality Assessment Screener.. 24:999-1007. 2017
- Further Validation of Triarchic Psychopathy Scales From the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire: Setting the Stage for Large-Sample Etiological Studies.. 24:575-590. 2017
- Assessing Intimate Relationships of Chinese Couples in Taiwan Using the Marital Satisfaction Inventory-Revised.. 23:267-278. 2016
- What Does the Shipley-2 Measure for Children and Adolescents? Integrated and Conjoint Confirmatory Factor Analysis With the WISC-IV.. 23:23-41. 2016
- Evaluating the Validity Indices of the Personality Assessment Inventory-Adolescent Version.. 22:490-496. 2015
- Implications of the Implicit Association Test D-Transformation for Psychological Assessment.. 22:429-440. 2015
- DSM-5 pathological personality traits and the personality assessment inventory.. 20:269-285. 2013
- Using the PCL-R to help estimate the validity of two self-report measures of psychopathy with offenders.. 17:206-219. 2010
- The Personality Assessment Inventory as a proxy for the Psychopathy Checklist Revised: testing the incremental validity and cross-sample robustness of the Antisocial Features Scale.. 14:255-269. 2007
- Psychopathy in adolescence and criminal recidivism in young adulthood: longitudinal results from a multiethnic sample of youthful offenders.. 14:57-64. 2007
- Assessing family-of-origin functioning in Mexican American adults: retrospective application of the family environment scale.. 13:396-405. 2006
- Assessment of interpersonal aggression and violence: introduction to the special issue.. 13:221-226. 2006
- Incremental validity analyses of the violence risk appraisal guide and the psychopathy checklist: screening version in a civil psychiatric sample.. 13:368-374. 2006
- A cross-national comparison of Mexican and Mexican American couples using the Marital Satisfaction Inventory-Revised (Spanish).. 11:49-56. 2004
- Effect of response distortion on the assessment of divergent facets of psychopathy.. 11:109-112. 2004
- Utility of the Spanish translation of the Marital Satisfaction Inventory-Revised in Spain.. 11:17-26. 2004
- Use of structured self-report assessment to diagnose borderline personality disorder during major depressive episodes.. 8:291-300. 2001
- An investigation of the relationship between psychopathic traits and malingering on the psychopathic personality inventory.. 7:281-296. 2000
- Dimensions and categories: the "big five" factors and the DSM personality disorders.. 7:203-216. 2000
- Operating characteristics of six response distortion indicators for the personality assessment inventory.. 5:203-214. 1998
- Update from the editors. 5:1-2. 1998
- Principal Components Analysis of the General Purpose Abbreviated Battery of the Stanford-Binet, Fourth Edition, for Young Children.. 1:173-178. 1994