publication venue for
- Reading/writing direction as a source of directional bias in spatial cognition: Possible mechanisms and scope.. 30:843-862. 2023
- Hearing hooves, thinking zebras: A review of the inverse base-rate effect.. 28:1142-1163. 2021
- To not settle for small losses: evidence for an ecological aspiration level of zero in dynamic decision-making.. 24:536-546. 2017
- Perception and action influences on discrete and reciprocal bimanual coordination.. 23:361-386. 2016
- Consolidating behavioral and neurophysiologic findings to explain the influence of contextual interference during motor sequence learning.. 23:1-21. 2016
- Red vs. green: Does the exam booklet color matter in higher education summative evaluations? Not likely.. 23:1596-1601. 2016
- A cognitive framework for explaining serial processing and sequence execution strategies.. 22:54-77. 2015
- Heterogeneity of strategy use in the Iowa gambling task: a comparison of win-stay/lose-shift and reinforcement learning models.. 20:364-371. 2013
- What is pressure? Evidence for social pressure as a type of regulatory focus.. 16:344-349. 2009
- Homophonic and semantic priming of Japanese Kanji words: a time course study.. 14:64-69. 2007
- Regulatory fit effects in a choice task.. 14:1125-1132. 2007
- Proverb preferences across cultures: dialecticality or poeticality?. 13:353-359. 2006
- Attribute amnesia as a product of experience-dependent encoding.. 31:772-780.
- Controlled information processing, automaticity, and the burden of proof.. 25:1814-1823.
- Effects of perceptual modality on verbatim and gist memory.. 11:143-149.
- Environmental context-dependent memory: a review and meta-analysis.. 8:203-220.
- On the distinction between value-driven attention and selection history: Evidence from individuals with depressive symptoms.. 24:1636-1642.
- Selection history contributes to suboptimal attention strategies.. 30:1866-1873.
- Systemic effects of selection history on learned ignoring.. 29:1347-1354.
- TOTimals: A controlled experimental method for studying tip-of-the-tongue states. 29:445-447.
- Target-uncertainty effects in attentional capture: color-singleton set or multiple attentional control settings?. 17:421-426.
- Value-driven attentional priority is context specific.. 22:750-756.